Thursday, November 6, 2008



i have been in the field for 3 weeks. fun fun!!!

i have some new news about my army though. i have recntly aquireda ton of new stuff. im starting focus on one army as opposed to half a dozen. i still have my ultramarine army but its as far as im goin to take it.

as for my imperial guard army its grown by leaps and bouns since i last came to halifax. one of my friends up here stopped playin guard so i picked up all of his models. painting has some what stopped because of how busy its been up here on the base. but its goin to significantly slow down so i will be able to paint and hopefully be able to post some battle reports.

as it stands now this what the 177th Cadian has in its arsenal:

3 infantry platoons- 4 squads each
1 heavy weapons platoon- 10 mortars
6 kasrkin stormtrooper squads/w chimera transport
1 ratling squad
7 commissars

3 basilisk mobile artillery
4 leman russ battle tanks
3 baneblade super-heavy tank

thats it. i have nothing more to buy. all i need to do now is work out my lists and get some games goin. hopefully at christmas i will before even.

take care


ps i would like any comments and advice you might have as always

Friday, September 5, 2008


1700 PTS
SPACE MARINE (Salamander 2nd Company) vs IMPERIAL GUARD (177th Regiment)




2 HEAVY WEAPONS SUPPORT SQUADS/anti tank/fire support

1 COMMAND SQUAD/special weapon
2 INFANTRY SQUADS/special weapon



Urban Enviornment/Zone control

well this game proved that im still learnig the intracises of this great game we all love and are addicted to.

The battle itself took place in a burned out city. my forces depolyed on the eastern side while intelligence reported that a small marine detachment had taken up position directly in front of us. after the harsh lesson i learned earlier in the week i decided to group my infantry together. i also brought along a little surprise. Tanks. although they cost quite a bit of points, there "left and right hooks" really brought it to the astrates. this was evident in the first turn when a garissoned devestator squad was reduced from 10 to 4 with one well placed battle cannon shot.

then came the biggest shock of all. when all seemed in my army's grasp there was a crackle in the sky and beautiful streak fell from the sky, 3 to be exact, and landed with a crash on our flanks. when the dust cleared great, giant warriors were there. the marines had deepstriked. i was understandably nervous when 2 tactical squads and a venerable dreadnaught were suddenly in our flanks. my mechanized squad was the first to fall leaving my chimera. than my turn came. i through my armour in to reverse and fired at the tactical squad to no avail, only succeding i wasting critical ammo on "crater creation". one of my guardsmen squads with a grenade launcher and my commisars laspistol manged to keep the dreadnaught at bay making it unable to shoot.

my guardsmen stood there ground admiraly. unlike the first game when the broke and ran the stood a fought to the bitter end. they won the most leadership tests and morale checks i have ever seen. the aggression showed through when they charged an over zealous librarian in terminator armour, who thought my men would cower at the mere sight of him. the proved him greatly wrong when they quite simply annihalted him. then on the other side of the battle my chimera exacted some vengence on a squad of 5 terminators who smelt blood in the air and decided to take advantage. well with all guns firing my chimera made short work of 2 of them. the game went to turn 4, because the store closed. we called it a draw.

it was a good night. i learnt some new tactics and rules with guard, aswell as made a new friend who is also in the army.

well boys taker easy hopefuly you will post to this one


Monday, September 1, 2008

Battle Report

2 Games
1000 pts Eldar vs Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard List:
Command HQ
2 Command Squads
2 Platoons/3 squads each w/heavy and special weapons
2 Chimera APC's
1 Basilisk

Eldar List:
1 Squad Dire Avengers
1 Squad Fire Dragons w/Wave Serpent
1 Squad Striking Scorpions
1 Squad Pathfinders
1 Avatar of Khaine

it was indeed a dark day for the servants of the emperor! holy crap talk about a learning experience. in my second game of warhammer i was not expecting (although i should have expected), to have my ass handed to me so quickly.

Game 1

i was very confident that i would have this game in the bag. over confident might be a better word. my infantry army massively dwarfed that of the small eldar force before me. numbers were on my side but lady luck was not. with in the first 4 turns, out of the 6 squads of the emperor finest, only one was left! The enemy commander was in much better shap with only losing 1 squad of pathfinders and the bulk of his forces bearing down on me. although the were facing dire straits thoose boys held on to get the draw. i should have learned from the very first game i had with brad that my infantry would get annihalated quickly but i was not prepared for that kind of carnage.

Game 2

i won the roll to go first. although i made a critical error when placing my army. i split them up instead of keeping them together. my baslisk roared to life and knocked out a squad of Dire Avengers in a matter of moments. i began to think that i was actually goin to pull of a win, but my enemy made good work of the disadvantage i gave myself. he assaulted in and before i could react my flanks were ripped open. on the fourth turn was then conpletely overrun.

this was definetly a good learning experience for me. i have reorganized my army and the next time i meet thoose eldar scum the tables will be turned. i have decided to take on a more Mechanized approach to my army. the Leman Russ is far to powerful to leave out and mixed with Chimera's its pretty potent, atleast on paper.

my apologies on not having any pics or a more extensive battle report. not having a digital camera makes that very hard. im goin to be playing again sometime this week i will post as soon as i can after every game to keep you guys informed.



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mike's tank collection-pics

So now I have 12 rhino frames. One is unbuilt and I need to sell it for 35 dollars. Three are capable of becoming 1 whirlwind and 2 vindicators whenever. One is capable of becoming a razorback. Here they are.

My workspace.

One of 4 done that day.

The original group I had for months.


becomes this.

This is a sequence of modeling.

The finished product.

This is what nine rhinos looks like.

I also have a basilisk mostly done and need to start work on my Baneblade.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mike's Lazy Battle Report: Chaos Marines vs Space Marines

Justin won.
I went first. All my rhinos are more finished and have 10 man tacticals with powerfist, 2 melta guns in each. All Justin's rhinos are holey and have 5 plague marines with melta gun and flamer.

This is after my first turn move.

Justin's first shooting phase he killed half my assault squad with 3 direct hits with plasma cannons.

This is sometime later, probably 2nd turn or 3rd.

Justin's view.


Epic fail by plague marines to harm my rhino.

Heavy flamer goodness from a terminator, the shooting phase leaves me with two marines, one armed with a powerfist, the other with a meltagun, which go on to kill the last two oblits.

What's left after the shooting.

The sergeant survives the oblits and stares down a squad of termies and some powerful sorcerer.

Bad mistake as he is turned into a chaos spawn.

Things look bad for my 10 man squad.

This squad just escapes the battle cannon.

Those termies just kept going onto the next squad.

Stupid rhinos being able to contest objectives.

They even made it over to these two squads i had together.

This dumbass won. I hate him so much. I wish cancer upon him.

There was no celebrating for the emperor's servants that night.

More pics

Battle Report

Well at long last I am posting the battle report from john's and my game from a couple weeks ago. It was a 750pt game of Marines vs Guard. Here are some pics.

Turn 1
John went first which essentially let him survive. Had I gone first I feel comfortable that I would have obliterated his tanks with my 4 lascannons.
So on John's first turn he killed my sargeant and 3 lascannons from my desestator squad and that was it. For me I destroyed a battlecannon off of one his leaman russes and 1 guardsmen.

Turn 2
John killed three tactical marines and rolled horribly for the rest of the turn. I killed 17 of his guardsmen with a combination of shooting and flaming the heck out of his men.

Turn 3
This turn I made a critical error adn left one of my tactical squads out in the open and it got obliterated by a leaman russ and I lost the remaining 9 men in a tactical squad. I killed 2 guardsmen and wounded his hq.
Turn 4
John killed nothing of mine and was essentially ready to quit. I killed one of his commisars and that ended a pretty boring turn.

Turn 5
I blew up a few more of his weapons on his leaman russes and he killed nothing.

Turn 6
I killed his hq and he killed nothing.

Overall it was a pretty boring game but it was a good learning experience for john and a good one for me as it actually allowed me to learn the rules for myself and not use everyone else as a rules crutch. I couldnt find in the rulebook the levels of victory but anyway it was mainly an intro for john. See everyone on Saturday.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

hey, a hat trick. oh, and pics too

hey guys, got the tyrant done (sans painting of course), just thought you might like to get a lil glimpse of what'll be mowing through your infantry this year like, well, like a lawnmower I guess. a really high horsepower lawnmower too, thanks to the wings and all. sorry about the quality, as usual its pretty bad. someone should really buy me a nice camera.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

marines vs tau, 500pts

pat and I had another game today, 500pts on my living room floor.

my army
-chaplain (represented by inquisitor cuz the chaplain I have wouldn't stand up on carpet)
-10 tactical marines
-10 scout marines w bolt pistols/chainswords
-dreadnaught w assault cannon and missile launcher

pat's army
-crisis suit commander
-6 fire warriors w rifles
-6 fire warriors w 5 carbines
-hammerhead w rail gun and burst cannons

mission type was capture and control I think (the one where each player gets to place 1 objective in thier deployment zone), and the map layout was quarters. we had an AV13 building (frontal and rear entry points, 3 firing points on each side, plus the doors, and 2 extra on the rear) near the middle, partly in my deployment zone, a large lake in pat's deployment zone, a river of lava running through the other quarter on my side of the table, and a fallen statue in the 4th quarter (blocks line of sight) . pat got 1st turn. he put his objective near the table edge of his deployment zone, I put mine near the middle of my edge, behind the lava.

pats turn 1
-suit, 1 squad of fire warriors and the fishey advance. hammerhead shoots at building and fails, suit shoots at my dreadnaught shaking it.

my turn 1
-chaplain, dred and scouts advance around the building. marines (who deployed in the building) shoot at the fire warriors that advanced, killing 2/6, they don't run.

pat's turn 2
-weakened fire warrior squad falls back to his objective, the other squad advances. hammerhead speeds ahead 11", shoots at the dred. pat, the lil spawn of satan he is, rolls 6,6,6 to make my dred go kaboom, but it doesn't hurt anything in the explosion. suit commander shoots at my chaplain, he saves everything.

my turn 2
-scouts, scared of the AP4 template of death the hammerhead is carrying, retreat halfway back to my objective. marines shoot at fire warriors that advanced, kill nothing. chaplain moves toward and shoots at crisis suit, doing nothing with his pistol, and ends up short of assault range.

pat's turn 3
-fire warriors reach their objective. suit jump-shoot-jumps away from the chaplain, doing a wound with his plasma rifle. hammerhead shoots at building again, making it go boom. marines get out and pass their pinning test, but take a casualty from the fire warriors, passing another pinning test from their carbines.

my turn 3
-scouts reach objective, marines assault the hammerhead, which didn't move in the turn before, so they get 3 glances, destroying the rail gun and stunning the crew. chaplain advances on the suit again, still out of assault range.

pat's turn 4
-fire warriors with carbines shoot at marines again, kill 2, but the marines aren't pinned. suit JSJ's again, doing another wound to the chaplain.

my turn 4
-marines assault fire warriors, kill 3, but the fire warriors get near-epic courage and hold. chaplain still trys to assault the crisis suit in vain.

pat's turn 5
-marines kill another fire warrior, they hold again. hammerhead tries to shoot at scouts with burst cannons but is out of range. crisis suit finally puts the chaplain out of his misery.

my turn 5
-marines finally kill off the fire warriors

pat's turn 6
-hammerhead, fire warriors with rifles, and crisis suit all shoot at the marine squad, cut them down to 3. marines hold.

my turn 6
-marines advance and rapid fire into the crisis suit, do nothing (damn 2+ save)

pat's turn 7
-everything shoots at marines again, kill 2, leaving the sarge.

my turn 7
-sarge assaults crisis suit (hoping to do just 1 wound to get 1/2 VP's) but neither combattant does any damage.

end results
-we tied on objectives, I got about 150VP's while pat got about 250-300, so a minor victory for him.

scott's thoughts
-taking the dred was a huge mistake, I should have been able to predict he'd take the hammerhead. it did act as a nice distraction, drawing fire to keep my scoring scouts unscathed, but in a 500pt game you can't really afford a sacrifical lamb like that.

-cutting out hvy weapons for the dred was a big mistake also, even on a 4x4 board, having half your units with 12" range, the other half with 24" is a big disadvantage.

-hoping to kill the the crisis suit commander in CC didn't turn out too well either (in retrospect I should have ran instead of shooting at it with the pistol, might have turned out better with some good rolls). again, that's what hvy weapons are for, cutting out its 2+ save and hoping for an insta-kill.

-in theory, pat shouldn't have taken his list how he did (paying 350 points for just the suit and hammerhead seems kinda extreme to me for 500pts). I mean, it worked really well for him this game, they both killed a lot of stuff, but agaisnt a different list/army I don't think he'd fare as well.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My tank

ok so im sorry for taking so long for pics to get up bet here they are my cam sucks im sorry for the quality of the pics.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

space marines

hello again

It had occurred to me that i went a little crazy and bought out the local store of imperial guard. i have that army assembled now, and realize that the onlyt person i can play against right now is brad. i think right now i out number him in points right now. so i decided to diversify, and bought out the local store of another army. i took my free time and built a space marine army.

this is what i have :
2x Grey Knight Space Marine Squad
1x Grey Knight Space Marine Terminator Squad
1x Brother-Captain Sternn
1x Inquisitor

1x Force Commander
1x Space Marine Apothocary
1x Space Marine Terminator Squad
1x Space Marine Assault Squad
2x Space Marine Tactical Squad
1x Space Marine Combat Squad
1x Space Marine Scout Squad
3x Space Marine Chaplains
2x Space Marine Librarians
1x Chief Librarian Tigurus

1x Dreadnaught
1x Rhino APC

what ya think?


Hey Boys


this my back story for my army.


The primary mission of the 177th is to annihalate any threats to the Impirum of Man whenever it encounters it. The regiment was created to fight aggresively on its own with a minimum hope of reinforcements. The man put in charge of this unit is one of the hardest men in the Imperial Guard. Colonel-Commandant Vickers has been a Guardsmen since he was conscripted when he was 17. He is 70 now and through all the atrocities he has seen in service to the Emeror, he has been given command of this "green" unit to make it one of the most formidable and feared units ever assembled.

Under his command are:
33rd Emperors Dragoons
107th Field Battery
45th Infantry Company

Together under Vickers command theese units comprise the 177th.

33rd Emperors Dragoons

1x Leman Russ Demolisher Assault Tank
3x Leman Russ Main Battle Tank
1x Hellhammer Super-Heavy Battle Tank

107th Field Battery

3x Basilisk Mobile Artillery
2x Auto-Cannon Teams
1x Las-Cannon Team

45th Infantry Company

1x Chimera Armoured Personnel Carrier
3x Grenade Launchers
8x Flamthrowers
8x Vox-Caster Troops
17x Las-Riflemen
6x Special Weapons Troops
16x Kasrkin Troops

To over see the mission set before them, ensure that the emperors will is being done, the battalion is under the watchful eye of the most feared officers in the Imperium.

5x Commissars

Theese are the forces with which Colonel vickers must use to annihalate any enemy that dare cross his path and harm the Imperium Of Man.

(especially that Brad fella!!)

thanks for reading


Monday, August 4, 2008

you know its not your day when.....

so, pat and I had another game today, 1000pts.

my list
-3 x 8 x genestealers
-1 x broodlord
-2 x 5 x ripper swarms
-2 x lictors
-3 x ravenors w rending claws and scything talons
-2 x zoanthropes w synapse and warp blast

pat's list
-1 x 12 x fire warriors
-1 x 12 x firewarriors, 4 x gun drones, 2 x markerlight drones
-1 x crisis suit commander, 2 x crisis suit bodyguards
-1 x hammerhead
-1 x broadside

we played the one with kill points (I can't spell the mission type off the top of my head), with dawn of war set up. personally, I really dislike dawn of war, as I feel it gives player 1 a huge advantage, as deploying you're whole army first is an awesome when you have half the table and your opponent has to put stuff 18" away, although we didn't use night fighting turn 1 (we didn't notice it in the book until about halfway through pat's turn, and he refused to restart). it didn't help that pat had 2 huge troops and a powerful HQ, compared to any of mine. basically it was a firing line of fire warriors and suits at about the middle of the board, with 2 rail guns on his board edge, and I had my brood lord and rippers half way up my deployment zone, with a line of genstealers and zoanthropes on my edge. the terrain was pretty scattered so I didn't have a good path to his meat either.

pat's turn 1
-crisis suits, fire warriors and rail guns empty into brood lord, killing him, and kills a ripper base

my turn 1
-everything moves up, zoanthropes are out of range

pat's turn 2
-fire warriors kill another ripper base, suits kill 4 genestealers, hammerhead wounds a zoanthrope

my turn 2
-lictors don't come in, ravenors do, but scatter 7" just out of cover. they fleet 6" though, and get to the "safety" of a forest. everything else moves up again, zoanthropes still not in range.

pat's turn 3
-fire warriors and hammerhead kill 3/3 ravenors, other squad of fire warriors finishes off the last 3 rippers, crisis suits kill 3/4 genestealers, broadside shoots at zoanthrope and fails

my turn 3
-lictors come in, one assaults the hammerhead stunning it. the other assaults 12 fire warriors, kills 2, then gets beat down (pat gets 6 attacks back, gets four 6's to hit, then two 6's to wound, then I fail both 5+ saves).

pat's turn 4
-broadside shoots at full strength zoanthrope, deal 1 wound. fire warriors shoot down the majority of a squad of genestealers. crisis suits shoot down remaining lictor. I realize that lictors have feeder tendrils (re-roll to hit), and might have been able to hold a lil better vs the fire warriors.

my turn 4
-everything moves up more. both zoanthropes shoot at his suits, but both shots scatter off the board.

pat's turn 5
-kills off the squad of one genestealer, and reduces the weakened squad to 1 model. finishes off a zoanthrope.

my turn 5
-squad of 1 'stealer assaults 10 fire warriors, kills 1 and doesn't die, they hold. last remaining ripper swarm makes its way around the giant wall on the board, assault the squad of fire warriors with drones, kills 4, takes 2 wounds, warriors hold.

pat's turn 6
-hammerhead shoots at last genestealer squad, kills 2/8. suits shoot at remaining zoanthrope but fail to kill it. fire warriors do lil in CC

my turn 6
-genestealers get in CC with fire warriors, they and rippers kill 4 fire warriors, enough to make them run and get caught. other genestealer is still in CC. game ends.

so, the final result was 5 kill points for pat, 1 for me. a crushing defeat for me, partly due to significant set up/terrain advantage for pat, partly due to poor playing and list making on my part.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New everything

So I lost my last match againt scott really bad I only killed about 600pts and he killed about 1200pts so I'v been thinking my list is really expensive with my new hammerhead i bought it made it my army 1600pts and scott keeps telling me I dont have a lot for 1600 pts. So taking this to mind this time i did some fixing on my army list I managed to bring it down almost 100pts in ten min of looking at my list and codex and im still working on it. I have also found that my full force army doesnt seem to far as well as my 1000pts army for some weird reason and with my new deductions off my army list i was able to give my 1000pts army more equipment to use. So our next game will be 1000pts and we will see how that go's.

Friday, August 1, 2008

'nid VS tau, 1600 pts

pat and I finally got our game in today. I didn't take notes or anything, and you all know how good my memory is, so this isn't gonna be super accurate, and I'm too lazy to do a cool write up like Ianly or mike.

Pat's army
-2 x 12 x fire warriors
-2 x 3 x stealth suits, 5 x gun drones, 1 x markerlight drone
-12 x krootz
-1 x hammerhead w rail gun and burst cannonz
-1 x crisis suit commander, 2 x crisis suit bodyguards
-1 x broadside suit

my army
-1 x 24 x spinegaunts
-4 x 22 x termagaunts
-3 x warriors
-1 x broodlord, 8 x genestealers
-1 x hive tyrant w sword/whip and venomcannon
-1 x carnifex w 4 devourers (two sets of twin-linked)
-9 x spore mines (3 x toxin, 3 x frag, 3 x bio-acid)
-3 x zoanthropes w synapse and warp blast (the marine mini-pie plate and tank killer)

terrain set up
-giant tower (about 6"x6", two feet high maybe?) in direct center
-"walls" surrounding said tower, 6 of em, 4" apart in a circle
-a moderate ammount of terrain around the circle, forests and ruins

I took first turn, pat failed to sieze the initiative. I infiltrated my broodlord on his flank, protected only by a fire warrior sqaud and hammerhead, he infiltrated kroot across from my spinegaunts/carnifex, and both steath teams near the objective

my first turn
-thanks to some epic fleet/run rolls, my guants, broodlord, and MC's ran 10-12" towards his side of the board, the zoanthropes killed 2 gun drones

casualties-2 gun drones, the gaunt I stepped on

pat's first turn
-kroot rapid fire on the 'fex, it loses a wound. fire warriors advance toward the broodlord, rapid fire, then shoot with the hammerhead. he kills 8 genstealers, and takes a wound from the broodlord. stealth suits shoot at gaunts, kill a couple.

casualties-8 stealers, 1 'fex wound, a few gaunts

my turn 2
-one squad of mines come in, but scatter just away from the kroot. the other 2 don't come. 2 squads of gaunts assault the 2 squads of stealth suits, sweep one, the other kills a drone or two, then gets locked in combat. carnifex and spinegaunts shoot at then assault the kroot, killing 8, they run but aren't caught. broodlord assaults a team of fire warriors, killing 4 or 5, then sweeping them. everything else advances.

casualties-12 fire warriors, 8 kroot, stealth team w drones, a couple more drones, some gaunts

pat's turn 2
-crisis suits don't come in. kroot shoot at spine gaunts, kill like 2. fire warriors and hammerhead empty into the broodlord, killing him.

casualties-broodlord, some gaunts, a drone

my turn 3
-remaining spores come in but scatter off the board. 'fex kills the remaining kroot, my spine gaunts are out of synapse range, so the hive tyrant moves in to assist, also shooting at the broadside killing it (yay for S8 weapons). my remaining gaunts, save the sqaud still in combat (who kill nothing) and synapse creatures converge on the objective.

casualties-4 kroot, 6 mines

pat's turn 3
-crisis suits arrive, shoot at zoanthrope (every shot misses or doesnt' wound), and gaunts (kills a few). hammerhead shoots submunition at gaunts, kills about half a squad.

casualties-'bout a dozen gaunts, a stealth suit from CC

my turn 4
-gaunts and MC move to center, zoanthropes shoot at crisis suits, kill 2 bodyguards but the commander makes his saves. hive tyrant and warriors shoot at hammerhead, doing nothing.

casualties-2 crisis suits, another stealth suit

pat's turn 4
-crisis suit, fire warriors, and hammer head shoot at gaunts/warriors, killing a warrior (out of cover) and the other half of the gaunts. last stealth suit dies.

casualties-warrior, another dozen or so gaunts, stealth suit

my turn 5
-zoanthropes shoot "blow a tank up with my mind shot" at crisis suit commander, he fails his invuln save and dies (again, yay for instant death with S10 weapons)


pat's turn 5
-fire warriors kill about half a squad of gaunts with rapid fire, hammerhead finishes off warrior

casualties-another dozen or so gaunts, last warrior

game ends do to random game lenght

units still in play:

-12 x fire warriors
-1 x hammerhead (untouched)

-2 x mostly full gaunt squads
-1 x mostly full spinegaunt squad
-1 x half full gaunt squad
-1 x carnifex w 1 lost wound
-1 x hive tyrant
-3 x zoanthropes
-3 x frag spore mines

scott's lessons
-gaunts are amazing in CC with the new 5th rules (when I get 15-25 attacks on the charge, its not hard to kill 4 or 5 guys, if they kill less, they pretty much always run, and I usually win the initiative test to sweep em)
-zoanthropes are amazing for synapse coverage
-preferred enemy is amazing (for 1 pt on a stealer or 3 on the broodlord, you re-roll all misses to hit)
-having lots of "smaller" squads of gaunts is better than a few big ones

pat's lessons
-never, ever let fire warriors get in CC
-stealth suits are bad in CC, don't infiltrate em close to hordes that move faster than you
-pie-plating gaunts works, but even then there's a lot of em to kill

Mike's Painting Progress

I finally finished my 10 Immortals and 3 of my Destroyers, they finally have rods in them.

I think they look pretty good although I'm worried about how sturdy the rods are in the Immortals.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Imperial Guard vs. Tau Empire 1000 Point Match

Taking a page from Mike’s organization style and trying to weave in my story elements

Ian’s Army

HQ Squad: Heroic Senior Officer with Iron Leadership

Attached Anti-Tank Squad (Lascannons with Sharpshooters)

Platoon 1:

Command: Missile Launcher, JO with Iron Leadership

Squad 1: Heavy Bolter, Grenade Launcher

Squad 2: Same

Squad 3: Same

Platoon 2:

Command: Missile Launcher, JO with Iron Leadership

Squad 4: Flamer, No Heavy

Squad 5: Plasma, No Heavy

Squad 6: Plasma, No Heavy

2 Basilisks with Indirect Fire

Geoff’s Army

HQ Crisis Suit 1 (Twin Linked Flamer)

HQ Crisis Suit 2 (Twin linked Missile pods)

9 Firewarriors

12 Firewarriors

1 Hammerhead

1 Devilfish

Crisis team 1 (Two Crisis suits, one with Plasma/Missile, one with twin-linked fusion blasters)

Crisis team 2 (Two Crisis suits, both with Missile Pods)

Crisis team 3 (One Crisis suit, Burst Cannon)

Map: 4x4 Desert setting, with a large size three hill in the left bottom corner, and some ruins in the bottom right. Two other ruins blocked off the top right and a final set of ruins sat in the top left. There was a pond in the middle, and a wooden shack (We were using destroyable building 5th edition rules for fun) beside it. There were barricades beside the hill running up the center to the hut, as well as beside to pond to one of the two ruins on the top right.

For all intents and purposes, this game was played using 4th edition rules. I deployed on the “Bottom” of the table

Scenario: Take and Hold

Planet Grantus IV: A relatively unknown Imperial World, noted only for its proximity to the rebellious planet of Moracre (Later quelled and placed under permanent imperial garrison) as well as its Promethium Refining operations. It does provide a significant portion of refined promethium to the region and is therefore classified as a moderate strategic asset. When Moracre rebelled and threatened the operations, the Administorium stationed more Imperial Guard regiments there and continued operation. However, it has recently been the target of hit and run attacks originating from the Tau Empire. The Brimlock Dragoons were assigned the duty of reinforcing the garrison force.

The Game


Commander Locktye surveyed the windswept terrain of Grantus IV, a blistering hot moon of Moracre on the far side of the Tau Empire. Recently, Tau hit and run attacks had taken a toll on the Refining capacity of the planet, and since most of the Brimlock Dragoons were supplied with Grantus Promethium, they were assigned the duty of making sure these attacks stopped.

It had been relatively easy guarding the Refineries as the Tau had been quiet of late, however, earlier that morning a lighting attack had damaged the Southern Refinery complex. To make matters worth, the attackers had left a series of charges around critical areas but did not detonate them. The demolition crew was forced to flee in a Piranha after the attack was detected. The worthless Tau vessel was easily shot down by persuing Valkyries and was left stranded. Commander Locktye was tasked with capturing or killing the crew and recovering the detonator. The crew had taken refuge in an abandoned Imperial refueling station near an Oasis.

Locktye directed his forces to deploy across the front. He directed one Basilisk to the left corner of the engagement zone, where it was safe behind some rubble from assault. Squad 1 (S1) was deployed beside the Basilisk but further up. Squad 2 (S2) was deployed on the hill, Squad 3 (S3) was deployed in the ruins on the bottom right, so they could bring their heavy weapons to bear. Squad 4 (S4) was deployed near the barricade. Squad 5 (S5) was deployed beside Squad 4, as was Squad 6 (S6). The last Basilisk was deployed behind Squad 4. Locktye ordered his Lascannons to the hills where they would have a sweeping view of the battlefield, while he himself settled in behind the hills.

The Tau Commander chose to hide his Hammerhead (Fearing the Imperial guns no doubt) behind the two ruins on the top right. He also ordered Firewarrior Squad 1 (FS1) in front of a sand dune on the top right side of the board as far ahead as they could go, but cowered his Firewarrior Squad 2 (FS2) behind the ruins on the top left. He deployed the Devilfish down the center, as to gain good footing on the battlefield He held all other forces in reserve, intending for his ‘suits to ambush the Guard attack.

Ian Turn One

Locktye had the initiative this day, while the Tau forces were still mustering he ordered S1, S4, S5 and S6 forward towards the objective. However, S1 and S4 got caught up in terrain that required extra precaution going through. The Anti-tank squad was able to target the Hammerhead through a tiny opening with their skilled eyes, although they would not be able to make very precise shots. It did not matter, they managed to blow off the Railgun turret as well as stun the crew in one volley. The Basilisks were ordered to fire at the two Firewarriors squads, killing 4 in FS1, although the shot aimed at FS2 scattered off. S3 fired at the FS1 ineffectively; S2 had no targets to fire at. FS1’s commitment to the battle broke and they scampered over the sand dune.

Casualties: Hammerhead (Railgun Destroyed, Stunned), 4 Firewarriors

Geoff Turn One

Dismayed at the state of his Hammerhead, the Tau Commander moved FS2 into the ruins and was able to bring FS1 back under control. The Devilfish moved up and fired its burst cannon at S2, inflicting one casualty. The deployed Gun Drones killed another Guardsman in S2. The hearty Guardsmen were not fazed by the loss.

Casualties: 2 Guardsmen

Ian Turn Two

Locktye ordered S1, 4, 5 and 6 to continue pushing towards the objective, this time none of the squads were encumbered by the terrain and made good progress. By now, S1 was around the front of the hill, S4 had cleared the barricades in the center, S5 was on the barricade and S6 was pushing up behind S5. S2 attempted to shoot at the Devilfish to little effect, as the Sergeant in his fervent state did not realize that Heavy Bolter rounds did not pierce even the Devilfishes weak front armour plating. The Lascannons however made short work of the ‘Fish, destroying it in a single volley. S3 fired at the regrouped Firewarriors inflicting two casualties and causing them to retreat again. Locktye then moved himself on up to the hill and ordered the two platoon commanders (Deployed to the bottom right) up to support the infantry as well.

Casulties: Devilish (Destroyed), 2 Firewarriors, 1 Crisis suit (Failed Deepstrike)

Geoff Turn Two

The Tau commander grinned as his orbital sensors chirped; he looked to the sky to see the two Crisis suit squads come down, but frowned when he did not see them accompanied by either of the two crisis suit commanders. Unfortunately, the grin did not last, Crisis suit squad 3 did not land in the designated landing zone and ended up being unable to reach the battlezone. Crisis suit squad 1 scattered 12” from their landing zone and ended up behind FS1. Crisis suit squad 2 landed dead on near the objective. CS3 did not have anything to shoot at since they couldn’t move, but CS2 fired a volley of missiles at the Anti-Tank Squad, killing two of the teams but leaving one unscathed. The Hammerhead, its crew no longer shaken, moved up in front of FS2 to draw fire. FS1 fired at S1 and inflicted 4 Casualties. All Guardsmen stood firm.

Casualties: 4 Guardsmen, 2 Lascannon bases

Ian Turn Three

Locktye captured the objective with S4, with S5 and 6 following close behind. S2 fired at the Crisis suits, inflicting no casualties, S3 fired at the retreating FS1. Basilisk one direct fired at CS2, killing both. Basilisk two fired at the CS3 but it scattered on to FS2, killing 6 Firewarriors and one Crisis causing both to retreat. The two command squads fired their Rockets at the Hammerhead ineffectively.

Casualties: 6 Firewarriors, Three Crisis suits

Geoff Turn Three

The Tau commander was relieved when the two Command Suits jetted in, as he was faced with a collapsing front. However, the sight of the Command Suits rallied the army. The Flamer Suit (HQ1) landed behind S5 and 6 and the Missile Suit (HQ2) landed by Basilisk 1. HQ1 roasted Squad 5 and part of Squad 6 in one volley, destroying Squad 5 utterly, and killing 4 S6 Guardsmen. The Missile Suit fired at the Basilisk but only managed to shake the crew.

Casualties: 14 Guardsmen

Sorry Guys, this is as far as I can remember of the combat, I should start taking notes or something.

Suffice to say, I lost all my squads except bits of S4 and S6, the Two Basilisks survived surprisingly, as well as the two Command Squads, although my HQ Squad died. Geoff had his Flamer Command Suit and his Missile Command Suit survived, as well as his hammerhead. The result was a draw. Overall it was a really fun game.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mike versus Justin 1500 point battle report

Mike's Army:

The Nightbringer
10 Necron Warriors
10 Necron Warriors
3 Scarabs
3 Scarabs
3 Scarabs
A Monolith
Another Monolith
3 Heavy Destroyers

Justin's Army:

Fabius Bile
Chaos Lord w/terminator armour and pair of lightning claws
10 Plague Marines w/champion w/powerfist and rhino
9 Plague Marines w/champion w/powerfist and rhino
3 Oblitorators
A Defiler w/tl-lascannon and heavy flamer
A Vindicator w/pintle mounted tl-bolter
2 Chaos Spawn

Capture and Control
Pitched Battle

General Setup:
Lots of ruins surrounding lots of forest. The Objectives were placed near the middle at opposite sides. Justin rolled for first turn.
He had his marines inside their rhinos with Fabius in the 9-man unit (hereafter PM1, the other PM2) They were near the middle with the spawn between them. The oblitorators were next to his objective next to PM2. The defiler was at one end near the oblits and the vindicator was at the opposite end near PM1. He kept his Chaos Lord in reserve.
On my side I had the Heavy Destroyers opposite his vindicator but only 5.5" in so it was impossible for it to shoot them. Then were 3 scarabs (hereafter S1). Warrior unit 1 (W1) was on a hill to the right of them. Then Monolith 1 was next. Then the Nightbringer in the middle of the board. Then Warrior unit 2 (W2) inside a 4-story ruin all spread out among all floors to be blast resistant with 2 on the objective at the bottom. Monolith 2 was next to the ruin. Scarab unit 2 (S2) was behind W1/the hill. Scarab unit 3 (S3) was behind Monolith 1.

First turn Justin:
He moved both his rhinos forward as far as they would go turning them a little as both PM squads jumped out and fired the few shots they had in range at the warrior squads opposite them. The vindicator moved forward and fired at S1 knowing he was out of range of the Heavy Destroyers. They went to ground getting a 2+ cover save. The Defiler moved forward and fired its battlecannon at Monolith 1 figuring a scatter could hit S2, the Nightbringer, or W1 but it missed everything. The oblits fired lascannons at Monolith 1 doing nothing. The spawn crawled towards W1 slowly.
Casualties: None

First turn Mike:
The Heavy Destroyers moved a little forward and fired at the Vindicator shaking the crew enough that they refused to shoot next turn. S1 had gone to ground. S2 moved directly in front of W2 to prevent PM1 with Fabius from assaulting them anytime soon. The warriors all remained where they were. W1 fired at the rhino1 shredding the tracks and immobilizing it. W2 fired at the Defiler failing to do anything meaningful. The Nightbringer moved straight towards PM2 threatening them with certain death. He fired at the rhino2 knowing he couldn't assault this turn but he's an awful shot who misses 75% of the time. Monolith1 fired its particle whip at PM1 getting a direct hit but only killing two as the rest hid in cover. Monolith 2 fired its particle whip at PM2 getting the same result. S3 stayed still not sure what to do yet.
Casualties: Rhino1-immobilized, PM1-2 plague marines, PM2-2 plague marines, Vindicator-shaken

Second turn Justin:
The Vindicator moved sideways trying to hide from the Heavy Destroyers. PM1 moved forward and fired a few shots into the scarabs in their way before assaulting them resulting in a quick combat before consolidating to an inch in front of the warriors. The oblits fired at the Nightbringer but he shrugged off the shot. The defiler fired at Monolith 2 missing with its tl-lascannon. PM2 hopped back into their rhino as the driver shoved the gear into reverse and drove back full speed. The immobilized rhino1 shot and missed the S1 scarabs. The Chaos lord failed to show up. Rhino1 fired at the W1 warriors killing one.
Casualties: W1-1 warrior, S1-3 scarabs (wiped out)

Second turn Michael:
The Nightbringer moved towards the spawn, assaulted and killed both with instant death attacks then consolidated towards rhino2. Monolith 1 moved forward as much as he could before warping the W1 warriors through its portal away from the plague marine threat and into a forest halfway to the objective. Then it unleashed its gauss flux arc in all directions causing rhino2 to be shaken as well as wounding a spawn. The W1 warriors walked further into the forest and attempted to finish off the rhino2 but to no avail. W2 shot at the Defiler only to stun it which didn't matter for the possessed machine. Monolith 2 fired its whip through two windows of a ruin at PM1 and managed to kill 3 of the plague marines. The Heavy Destroyers moved far across the board hunting the Vindicator but only managed to shake the tank again. S1 scarabs turboboosted in front of the Vindicator and rhino1 hoping to avoid being shot at. S3 scarabs turboboosted in front of Monolith 2 hoping to prevent the Monolith from being assaulted by the Defiler.
Casualties: 2 Chaos Spawn, PM1-3 plague marines, rhino2-shaken, Vindicator-shaken

Third turn Justin:
The PM1 marines seethed with anger over the disappearance of the enemy and moved back to cover and to shoot, assault and kill of of S1 scarabs and consolidate near Monolith 1. The Defiler fired its lascannon at Monolith 2 missing it again. Its heavy flamer overlapped the scarabs in front and dealt 4 wounds. The Oblits fired plasma cannons at them killing the last two which freed the Defiler to assault the Monolith shaking it. The Vindicator drove through a ruin hoping to get away from the Heavy Destroyers. The plague marines hiding in the rhino fired from the hatch at the W1 warriors failing to kill any. The Chaos Lord failed to show up again.
Casualties: S1 and S3 wiped out, Monolith 2 shaken

Third turn Mike:
The Heavy Destroyers continued to chased the Vindicator causing it to be shaken once move. The W1 warriors in the forest fired at the rhino2 doing nothing but shaking it. The Nightbringer ran at the rhino2 shooting but missing before assaulting it causing it to explode forcing the unharmed marines to disembark. Both Monoliths fired at the Defiler and missed. W2 warriors fired at the Defiler and managed to destroy an attack arm.
Casualties: Defiler-armament destroyed:combat arm, rhino2-exploded, Vindicator-shaken

Fourth turn Justin:
Oblits fired at Monolith 1 failing to hit it at all. The Defiler moved forward again firing at Monolith 2 before assaulting it but failed on both accounts to accomplish anything. PM1 squad moved towards the W1 warriors as well and opened fire killing two. The Vindicator driver decided to try and protect the plague marines as the Nightbringer glared at them hungrily by tank shocking the C'tan. Rather than give way the C'tan stood his ground penetrating the tanks armour only to fail to stun the crew or worse. The C'tan exploded in a mighty fury taking 5 of the PM2 plague marines with him. The plague marines ran for cover next to their objective. The Chaos Lord finally showed up only to scatter an amazing 12" from where he wanted to be landing on Monolith 2. He quickly reteleported into a ruin far from battle only to suffer a crippling injury as he entered.
Casualties: W1-2 warriors, the Nightbringer, PM2-5 plague marines, Vindicator-shaken, Chaos Lord

Fourth turn Mike:
The Heavy Destroyers turboboosted into the middle of the enemy's starting area as the Vindicator was well out of sight. Both warrior squads opened fire on the Defiler managing to immobilize it as well as shoot off its battle cannon after Monolith 2 failed to hit it. Also one warrior stood back up. Monolith 1 moved between W1 and PM1 to prevent any more casualties to them. The plague marine champion attempted a last stand only to be run down. Monolith 1 then fired at the Vindicator destroying it.
Casualties: The Vindicator, PM1-plague marine champion, Defiler-immobilized and battlecannon lost, W1+1 warrior

Fifth turn Justin:
With few options left both plague marine squads remained where they were taking shots at the warriors but failing to kill any. The Oblitorators fired at Monolith 1 failing to penetrate its armour. The Defiler opened fire on Monolith 2 failing to hit it.
Casualties: None

Fifth turn Mike:
Needing to contest the other objective held by 3 plague marines the Heavy Destroyers turboboosted right next to it and them. Monolith 1 progressed forward drawing the W1 warriors from the forest letting them run at the plague marines and assault them resulting in one dead warrior. Monolith 2 fired its particle whip at the Oblits killing two of them. Monolith 1 (illegally) fired its particle whip killing the last one (so it won't count). W2 warriors opened fire on the Defiler not even glancing once.
Casualties: 2 Oblitorators, W1-1 warrior

Our game ended there from time restraints with one objective in control of Mike and the other fiercely contested.

Total Casualties:
Justin: 2 Oblitorators, 1 Vindicator, 1 Chaos Lord, 12 plague marines plus 1 champion, 2 Chaos Spawn, 1 rhino, 1 rhino immobilized, 1 Defiler immobilized and missing its battlecannon and a combat arm
Mike: 9 Scarabs, The Nightbringer, 3 warriors

End of game notes:
Justin had a few things going against him/I had some advantages this game. The intimidating factor of the Nightbringer and 2 Monoliths. Basically he fired at practically unkillable models when he could have fired those lascannons or battlecannon on the warriors. But, without the Monoliths the warriors would quickly fall as I would have had no way to get them out of combat or to move them quickly away, or even kill plague marines. My warriors were inside a ruin with four floors which made it so blasts could kill at most 3 warriors if they hit and I failed to save. I placed the objective there and lucked out. I had Heavy Destroyers which had longer range than the Vindicator and could hunt it down. The Nightbringer is a stupidly powerful choice when the enemy has few options to hurt it. Justin had a lot of options but they were busy with other things.
I think Justin would have actually benefited more from going second because I believe he could have taken more advantage from tactical positioning than being the first to run his rhinos forward. I took major advantage of going second. I placed my Heavy Destroyers across from their target and just out of range of return fire. I had the Nightbringer opposite one squad of plague marines which without him I would have trouble with.

For everybody's information, firing at a Monolith from a BS4 lascannon has a 3.7% chance of wrecking it. That's 13.5 shots to destroy it 50% of the time, 27 shots to almost guarantee success. BS3 has a 2.7% chance, 18.5 shots for a 50% chance.

Anybody have any ideas on how to make my battle reports better/more entertaining/more organized/read more easily?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

John's Army

this is john's army. On Friday he bought a squad of grey night terminators so that makes 10 i guess. He hasn't had the chance to put them together yet. He did put together 3 other grey nights with psycannons i think is what they were. Anyway I will post again tommorow its midnight so yeah. Later.

-B-rad Flinndog

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mike vs Justin 1500 points 5th ed battle report

Sorry, this won't be charismatic, just a list of does and don'ts for marines vs chaos and a short overview of hilarity.

Hilarious moments:

I lost 7 marines to plasma and dangerous terrain. Justin killed about 21 of my guys. That's 25% of my own guys lost to accidents.

The setup itself. There was a raging river that counted as dangerous down the middle of the table with a bridge across it. Justin chose a corner where he had a rhino just across it already while i had to go across the bridge or the river. My corner had so much terrain I was afraid to move at all.

My librarian was in 5 rounds of combat and did not kill a single plague marine, he also didn't kill anything in shooting. I had 4 attacks, 3s to hit, 5s to kill. Not one died. Though the plague marines killed a total of 3 guys in that unit during that same time. Not the most exciting combat to watch.

I had all 5 of my units starting in rhinos so Justin had to first kill the rhino, then the passengers. Justin had 2 of his units in rhinos which meant 7 rhinos on the table at once.

I wounded 2 of 6 plague marines from a plasma cannon, I needed 2s to wound. Justin then passed the coversaves.

Obliterators do not enjoy being assaulted by a guy with a powerfist or shot by lascannons but other than that are awesome.


-Basically I hid my troops inside rhinos and shot at Justin as he made his way to me. I started already sitting on 2 of the 4 objectives and Justin decided to send his guys to me instead of putting them next to the objective in his quarter.
-I sent my assault squads out to destroy Justin's troops and if they had a chance, which they did, kill any of his strong things, obliterators.
-I also sent a unit of guys out to try and capture the objective Justin left behind but they were being stalled by a rather intimidating but poor shooting Defiler.
-Another tactic I had was every unit I had was a troop choice, 5 men big, and in a Rhino.

-Putting Obliterators on the top floor of buildings is good. You can't shoot them through the floor as you assault them as before and you have to make a difficult terrain check.
-Noise marines are gross, the extra initiative does wonders in combat now.
-I think Justin learned the value of taking a power weapon/fist in his squads. I kept making a lot of armour saves that I could have been denied.
-Having a transport is awesome to move multiple units if the first one dies. Also good for contesting ground and blocking roadways to other transports.
-After seeing my plasma overheat at least 1/3 times Justin decided to abstain from using the volatile weaponry. I would too but it's kinda funny seeing that many of your own guys die to their own guns.


Overall it was a hilariously fun game. The dice rolling seemed to have an odd amount of 1s making most things live till the last turn. Actually I think only 5 units died that whole game, 2 3man oblit squads, a rhino, a 10man assault squad, and a 10man chaos marine squad.
Justin immobilized my rhinos even though I wasn't going to use them to move, lol.
I immobilized his defiler but it just kept shooting at the rhino heading for his objective.

Battle Report: 1500 Points of Imperial Guard vs. Tau

Hey everyone, I'm sure it has been a busy summer for all, but today I managed to work in a game of Warhammer 40k, so now I'm here compiling the bloody details for your reading pleasure. It was actually really convenient, I asked Geoff Friday if he'd want to play Warhammer on Saturday and he said he'd like to, so then we did. It was pretty easy to set up, and kind of out of the blue.

Also, on my second tour of Garage Sales, I managed to pick up a block of five knives, so we now have some cutting knives. I may need to make a blog post listing all the stuff I have thus far so we can coordinate it more effectively, or maybe I'll send an email. Who knows?

Anyway, on to the Battle Report.

It was a clear day on the Battlefield of a remote planet, long since forgotten by both Imperial Surveys and Tau Expansion probes. However, after a deposit of a rare ore was discovered by both parties, teams were sent to examine it. Detecting their opposing presence in the area, Colonel Kralik dispatched Captain Richardson to investigate the enemies strength and numbers near the mining sight. The opposing Tau commander was issued the same set of orders, so the engagement began.

Captain Richardson was given command over L Company, Nicknamed "Lucy" Company two Platoons of Infantry, consisting of three squads each. Two Basilisks, a Stormtrooper Squad with transport, one Hellhound and two Anti-Tank Support squads.

List form
  • Two Platoons with Three Squads, each Squad having a Grenade Launcher and Heavy Bolter
  • The Platoon Command Squads both had Iron Discipline and Missile Launchers
  • The HQ Command Squad had two Attached Anti-Tank (Lascannon) squads with Sharpshooters, the Captain himself was upgraded with Carapace armour and a bolt pistol as well as Iron Leadership
  • 2 Basilisks
  • 1 Hellhound
  • 10 Stormtroopers with Chimera
As the opposing forces met on the battlefield, Captain Richardson summed up the enemy forces. The Tau commander had been commissioned with two Kroot Carnivore Squads each with a Shaper and Kroot hounds, one Fire warrior Squad, one Hammerhead Skimmer Tank and one squad of Pathfinders with adjoining Devilfish Transport. He also had intelligence advising that the enemy was in position to deepstrike two Crisis Suit Commanders, and two teams of two crisis suits, and that they may be a Stealth team supported by Gun Drones in the area

List Form
  • Two Squads of 20 Kroot with Shapers and Hounds
  • 10 Firewarriors
  • 1 Hammerhead
  • 1 Devilfish
  • 6 Stealth Suits with 12 Gundrones
  • 2 Crisis Command Suits (One with Twin Linked Flamer, one with Twin Linked Missile thing)
  • 4 Crisis suits (Varrying loadouts, generally burst cannon plus something else)
  • 8 Pathfinders

"Pathetic" Captain Richardson muttered. "They go up against the full might of the Imperium and they send these... Xenos! At us, they do not even risk their own blood in this battle, they use their Xeno slaves to do the dirty work. This battle shall be won swiftly this day.

The battlefield was littered with forests and hills, but bordered a area quickly becoming engulfed by desert, as there was a mixture of rolling sand dune and grassy knoll. Captain Richardson had the initiative in deploying his forces and ordered all of his men as far into no mans land as he could to ensure the Foolish Tau kept their heads down. The Platoons were spread along the front, with the left flank supported by the Stormtroopers in the Chimera, and the right flank being supported by the Hellhounds. The Anti-Tank squads were also nestled in the protection of cover on the left and right flanks. Finally, the Basilisks came snorting into position on each corner of the battlezone, providing overlapping fields of fire with their massive guns. The HQ Squad itself was placed behind a forest near the center of the battlefield, to ensure he could cover both flanks even without Vox Assistance.

The Tau placed their firewarriors far back in their own deployment on the left flank, and set up the Pathfinders in cover on the right flank. The Hammerhead was deployed on the far left, and the Devilfish was deployed in the middle. The Stealth suits were detected on the far left flank as well, and finally the Kroot were pushed ahead of the force as they used the cover of Forest to infiltrate closer to the enemy guns. As predicted, the Crisis suits would be holding back and diving in later in the battle.

Top of Turn One

Captain Richardson considered his next move after deploying, and decided that he should strike first to drive fear into the hearts of the Tau warriors, as well as ensuring the dastardly Kroot would not get too close to the firing lines. He moved his troops into position, and then ordered the company to open fire as soon as they had targets.

The two Infantry squads on the left moved into forest to gain advantage from cover, although the rapid movement kept them from utilizing their heavier equipment. The infantry squad near the center, already in cover dug in, in preparation for the coming battle. The three squads on the right flank all pressed forward over and around a grassy knoll in order to get closer to the objective, the enemy lines. The Stormtrooper Chimera moved up towards the center of the field to provide covering fire for the advancing infantry, and the Hellhound moved towards the grassy knoll to get a better firing solution on the Pathfinders. Finally, the Anti-Tank squad on the right flank had to move up to get to higher ground, even if it meant not having the Lascannons set up for the first volley.

Once all the troops were in place, they opened up with the righteous fury of the Emperor. The squads of infantry managed to score several hits on the Kroot squads before they built the momentum to even emerge from their forests. The Hellhound incinerated four pathfinders while they were still checking the scopes on their rifles. The left flank Anti-Tank squad fired a volley of Lascannon shots at the Hammerhead while it was still running warm up diagnostic in its infernal computronics, and although they managed to score two penetrating hits, they amounted to damaging the targeting matrix and they would be unable to immediately fire back on the Tau Volley. The Stormtrooper Chimera's gunner came down with terrible cramps and was unable to fire their Chimera's weaponry.

The mighty Basilisks then opened up, sending shells screaming across the battlefield. The first shell, fired from the right flank was aimed at the presumed whereabouts of the Stealth team, but the shell was too long and went screaming out of the battlezone, detonating harmlessly miles away. The second shell firing from the left flank scored a hit on the side of the Devilfish, but the shell failed to detonate, so it did not create any effective damage.

The Right Flank Platoon Commander caught sight of the failed Basilisk shell, and directed his retinue to fire the Missile Launcher at it, the missile struck true with the blessing of the shell and disrupted the Devilfishes weapon system for a moment.

Bottom of Turn One

The Kroot then surged forward out of their forests on both flanks but were unable to make any immediate assaults onto the gunline. The Hammerhead moved out of the firing sights of the Lascannons as the crew's cowardice outweighed their courage and they fled direct fire. The Xeno pathfinders were also symbolized their races incompetence as they managed to only fire off a few rounds of sniper fire that did not amount to anything, still shaken from the instant cremation of their comrades. Unfortunately, the Firewarriors got a few lucky shots in that claimed the lives of four guardsmen, and the Kroot, who could not assault, leveled their primitive guns as the valiant guardsmen and slew another five. The Devilfish soared up over a tower and using the height to its advantage, fired at the Chimera, incapacitating the cramped gunner. Finally, under the veil of invisibility, the cowardly stealth team and their gun drone allies killed the Left flank Anti-Tank squad under whithering plasma fire, cutting down shrub and soldier alike.

Captain Richardson grinned as the Tau feebly attempted to mount a resistance to the wave of Guardsmen flooding towards their deployment zone, but his grin turned to a mask of fury when he heard the shouts of "Retreat! There's too many of them!" and "Fall back!" The two squads that had rushed forward into cover only to come under fire were breaking and falling back. "Get back in line you traitors or I'll shoot you myself! He bellowed, his bleak upbringing on a garrison world had drilled discipline into his head, people said he had a Will of Iron.

Top of Turn Two

His words were enough to halt one of the squads in its tracks, but another disregarded his threats and continued running. Knowing that he had a battle to run, he shouted another threat of "If you make one more step with your backs towards the enemy! It will be the sky your backs are facing next, with a new eye to see out of!" That stopped the second squad in their tracks. He glanced venomously towards Lieutenant Jenkins, commander of that platoon, who only stood with his mouth agape at such a blatant disregard for discipline.

The two troops that had been falling back, managed to wheel around and fire back at the enemy. The one that was still in the forest continued pressing the Kroot, who lost several more of their kind. The one that had fled out of the forest took pot shots at the shimmering field of disguise the stealth suits wore, without success.

Lietenant Jenkins, trying to make up for his incompetence, fired all the weapons at his disposal at the Stealth suits. While the Lasguns and Missile found targets, the wretched armour of the suits prevented them from finding harm. The center squad continued shooting at the Kroot near the center, but still in the woods, taking out another few Kroot. The Chimera Stormtroopers, seeing their gunner was impaired, ordered a rush towards the Kroot in an attempt to frighten them into submission. The tank drove right into the forest, knocking back tree and Kroot alike, but they did not break, nor did they break after taking fire from the Guardsmen across the field. The Stormtroopers waited for the chance to attack, but did not disembark.

The three squads continued storming over the Knoll, taking shots at the Kroot and the Pathfinders. The Hellhound, having found a strategic point overlooking the top of the knoll, fired another stream of fiery death, killing another pathfinder. The remaining Right flank Lascannons, their position secure, fired at the Devilfish, although the Devilfishes erratic maneuvering made it difficult to pinpoint sensitive areas, one Lascannon bolt sliced straight through the engine reactor, detonating it and destroying the craft.

The Basilisk on the left flank, threatened by the approaching stealth suits, fired point blank on them, the shot went far, but still managed to kill four gun drones. The Basilisk on the right flank fired at the Hammerhead, attempting to disable it, but the shot, while hitting the vehicle, lacked sufficient force to do any lasting damage.

Bottom of Turn Two

Captain Richardson appraised his situation, although the Xeno Tau were showing significantly more backbone than in most fights, their squads were being whittled away by sustained imperial fire. The Captain even had remarkably low casualties. He was also informed the the recently destroyed Devilfish also employed complicated tracking equipment that was supposed to assist the Crisis suits coming into battle. Richardson swelled with pride, however, it was short lived as the screaming engines heralded incoming crisis suits. Two squads of two Crisis suits landed uncomfortably close to his position, the dust cloud that they kicked up obscured the view of most of the battlefield. He also heard two other touchdowns on the far right flank.

The Stealth suits moved on the Basilisk, showing its side armour with a hail of plasma, eventually a lucky shot glanced of the tread and into the ammo compartment and the Basilisk was destroyed in a flash of fire and smoke, replaced by a ruined shell. The Kroot moved up into Assault range, but the firewarriors fired at the squad and caused them to fall back among the uproar. The furthest left of the crisis suits fired impotently at Captain Richardson, but only managed to kill one of his staff. The other team of Crisis suits fired at the middle squad in cover and caused them to break and fall back as well. The team on the left flank in the forest resolutely refused to surrender and fired at the Crisis suits, bringing their Heavy Bolter to bear, they managed to blow out a leg of one suit, but it was still going. The retreating central squad shot at the team as well, and destroyed the one legged suit.

On the Right flank the battle was going better, but only marginally. The Crisis commander descended into the area and lit a Heavy Bolter team up, leaving only charred ruins. The center Kroot that had been rammed by the Chimera had filtered around to the rear exit to prevent escape, and the second Crisis Suit commander who had landed by the Pathfinders, fired Missile Pods at the side of the Chimera, on of the hits broke through its armour causing the stormtroopers to evacuate, only to be cut down by Kroot guns, and a subsequent shot destroyed the Chimera entirely. The Pathfinders continued to incompetently fire on the advancing Guardsmen.

Top of Turn Three

Captain Richardson was concerned, he was watching the left flank fall, with cried of "Retreat!" and "Fall back!" filling his ears. Using his superior skills he was able to stop both squads in their tracks, but they were quickly becoming surrounded. He decided it would be best to escape to the Right flank where reports indicated the battle was going better.

The furthest left squad continued to fire upon the Crisis suits managing to take down one of the suits, adding to the battlefield debris. As well, the squad in the forest managed to inflict another wound on the remaining suit threatening the commander. The central squad, which had stopped retreating near the edge of the battlezone, fired against the single suit, but was unable to score a hit. Captain Richardson himself fired at the Crisis suit as he fled past, but was unable to score any effective hits.

Lieutenant Jenkins watched in horror as the Stealth suits closed in on his position, and fired into the shimmering field, he spotted a few gun drones fall, but not enough. It seemed the Tau this fight were not willing to yield and inch.

On the Right Flank, The march forward faltered as the three squads all focused their fire on the Crisis commander, and even with the Support of the three lascannons, they were only able to deal one wound due to the hyper-stimulated nature of their commander, it was as if he was unable to feel pain. Hits that would wound a normal man were ignored by the commander.

The Hellhound fired at the pathfinders and killed another one of them, but they steadfastly refused to retreat. The single remaining Basilisk fired at the last known coordinates of the Hammerhead with the hope of taking it out of the fight. The shell was far and exploded off to the right ineffectively.

Bottom of Turn Three

The situation was readily falling from bad to worse. As the Stealth suits moved up, they cut down Lieutenant Jenkins and his squad where he stood, pumping so much fire into the forest there was nothing left but matchsticks and pink stains. The Single remaining Crisis suit fired at the Far left squad but only managed to kill one Guardsmen. However, the Carnivorous Kroot assaulted into them and wiped the squad out in short order, they moved up towards the Captain, he could see the lusty glint in their eyes and the blood on their fangs, they were after him next.

The firewarriors shot at the squad on the left flank in the forest and decimated the survivors, only the heavy bolter crew and the Sargent remained standing. The second crisis suit team moved between the Captain and his escape route, and then targeted the squad in the central forest, causing them to retreat again.

The Hammerhead moved out of cover and screamed off to support the right flank. It fired submunitions at an advancing squad of Guardsmen and wiped their existence off the side of the grassy knoll. Only Sargent Gerrard survived, stumbling dazed from the crater, however, he filled with blood rage and went storming off towards the enemy.

The Crisis Flamer Command Suit jetted over towards the remaining Anti-Tank Squad and incinerated two of the three lascannons, the third squad was horrified and could feel the heat off the licking flames, but remained steadfast to the Imperial cause, not retreating. The Crisis Missile Command Suit fired a volley of Missiles at the Hellhound and detonated the Promethium tanks in the rear, casing a massive fireball that killed a guardsmen in the forward squad. The Pathfinders finally got their bearing straight, killing several guardsmen on the far right squad, causing them to retreat.

Top of Turn Four

Captain Richardson continued to retreat, the central squad, which was retreating, managed to blast the Crisis suit that was blocking his path, but he did not make very much progress towards his objective. He attempted to rally his troops but found they were all trying to make the quickest escape from the battlefield, the left flank had essentially collapsed.

On the right flank, one surviving squad and Sargent Gerrard pressed forward, while one squad retreated. The middle squad fired at the Kroot while on the move and killed the Shaper. Without their slave drivers leadership, the squad quickly broke and fled. The second squad fired at the Pathfinders, but their shots fell short as they were unable to aim properly on the move, a desperate grenade yielded no result.

The Basilisk continued to fire on the Hammerhead but was unable hit the fast moving vehicle.

Bottom of Turn Four

On the Left Flank, the Stealth suits surged over and cut down the rest of the central squad in the forest, and the Crisis Suit and the firewarriors mopped up the last of the left flank squad in the forest. As well, Captain Richardson let out a Battlecry as the Kroot caught up with him. However, the cry was short lived as the fast reacting Kroot hounds quickly overcame him and dragged him down to the ground, feasting on his fast rotting corpse. His special issued Carapace armour had done him little good. The remaining staff were cut down in short order, the left flank was destroyed.

On the Right Flank, the Crisis Commander Flamer suit incinerated the retreating second squad, reducing them to ash. The Crisis Commander Missile suit shot at the rushing final squad, but did not faze them in the least. The Hammerhead shot at the Basilisk and scored a direct hit, but only managed to stun the crew.

Top of Turn Five

With his last chances to turn the tide of battle failing, Lieutenant Donaldson took control of the remnants of the force and moved up near the Lascannon. The Lascannon made a last stand and took a shot at the Hammerhead, the shot, which had to have been blessed by the Emperor himself, penetrated the magazine chamber and sent the Xeno ship flying in pieces in all directions. The Basilisk, which was unable to fire, was cranked into first gear and sent barreling off towards the enemy deployment zone to gather intel.

The final squad pressing forward was confronted by the Missile Commander. With the objective so plain in sight, they rushed the Commander and cut him down in short order. Tearing him socket from armoured socket, the Missile Commander was brought down trying to retreat.

Bottom of Turn Five

In the dying moments of the Battle, the Flamer Commander, who seemed impervious to pain, cremated Lieutenant Donaldson, his staff and the last remaining Lascannon in one well place arc of flame. As well, the surviving Pathfinders managed to find sights on the squad in the deployment zone cut into them, reducing their numbers to six and pinning them. The squad Sargent wanted to retreat but were unable to for fear of getting their brains blown out

Top of Turn Six

The Basilisk continued snorting towards the objective, and the pinned squad managed to shake off the fear and fire back at the Pathfinders, although unable to kill any.

Bottom of Turn Six

The Remaining Crisis commander, unable to reach the Basilisk to prevent it from moving any further, assessed his new intelligence streaming in from his other squads in the deployment zone. He knew that although his wounds were severe, he had won the day. The Pathfinders also cut down three of the holding Guardsmen, and once again got them to shove their heads in the sand, they were now in no condition to gather intelligence.

At the end of the day, mass casualties had been inflicted on both sides. Lucy Company was essentially wiped out, although post battle recovery units were able to salvage the two Basilisks and the Chimera, the Foul Tau Xeno's managed to keep two Crisis Suits, one squad of Kroot and one Crisis Commander in the Imperial Deployment zone, gathering much needed intelligence under the watchful eye of their depleted stealth suits.

The information gained was used in a lightning strike on the local resupply point, crippling operations on the main continent of the planet. Maintenance of Imperial Control seems unlikely at this point and Imperial Navy movements are indicating evacuations of the rest of the 412th Battalion.

Lessons Learned from this battle

2+ Feel No Pain is really, really annoying
Tau have the same Leadership as Guardsmen, but they can upgrade it in much the same way (Bonding knives) so they don't always run away when you shoot at them
Kroot are squishy but really scary in close combat, especially Kroot Hounds
Stealth Suits are dumb, who makes a unit with a 3+ Save and you have to roll 2d6x3 and be within range to see them!?!
Basilisks can survive to Turn Six if you give your enemy something more important to shoot at

Basilisks have decent front armour, they don't fold like a house of cards the minute you point a gun at them
Guardsmen retreat a lot, but they also tend to recover a lot if they're within range of an officer, especially one with Iron Discipline.

The final Score was about 1152 Points for Geoff. It was the destruction of the Hammerhead that kept him from getting a Victorious Slaughter, he simply got a Crushing Victory instead, so I was happy. The Broken Down score was 2011 Points for Geoff (Because he killed most of my army, well all of it save one squad and a tank, but he only had one squad of Kroot and a handful of Crisis suits in the Deployment Zone, so he didn't get many victory points there.) and 859 Points for Me.

Oh God that was much longer than I originally planned it to be. I hope someone takes the time to read this. I enjoyed writing it!