Friday, August 1, 2008

'nid VS tau, 1600 pts

pat and I finally got our game in today. I didn't take notes or anything, and you all know how good my memory is, so this isn't gonna be super accurate, and I'm too lazy to do a cool write up like Ianly or mike.

Pat's army
-2 x 12 x fire warriors
-2 x 3 x stealth suits, 5 x gun drones, 1 x markerlight drone
-12 x krootz
-1 x hammerhead w rail gun and burst cannonz
-1 x crisis suit commander, 2 x crisis suit bodyguards
-1 x broadside suit

my army
-1 x 24 x spinegaunts
-4 x 22 x termagaunts
-3 x warriors
-1 x broodlord, 8 x genestealers
-1 x hive tyrant w sword/whip and venomcannon
-1 x carnifex w 4 devourers (two sets of twin-linked)
-9 x spore mines (3 x toxin, 3 x frag, 3 x bio-acid)
-3 x zoanthropes w synapse and warp blast (the marine mini-pie plate and tank killer)

terrain set up
-giant tower (about 6"x6", two feet high maybe?) in direct center
-"walls" surrounding said tower, 6 of em, 4" apart in a circle
-a moderate ammount of terrain around the circle, forests and ruins

I took first turn, pat failed to sieze the initiative. I infiltrated my broodlord on his flank, protected only by a fire warrior sqaud and hammerhead, he infiltrated kroot across from my spinegaunts/carnifex, and both steath teams near the objective

my first turn
-thanks to some epic fleet/run rolls, my guants, broodlord, and MC's ran 10-12" towards his side of the board, the zoanthropes killed 2 gun drones

casualties-2 gun drones, the gaunt I stepped on

pat's first turn
-kroot rapid fire on the 'fex, it loses a wound. fire warriors advance toward the broodlord, rapid fire, then shoot with the hammerhead. he kills 8 genstealers, and takes a wound from the broodlord. stealth suits shoot at gaunts, kill a couple.

casualties-8 stealers, 1 'fex wound, a few gaunts

my turn 2
-one squad of mines come in, but scatter just away from the kroot. the other 2 don't come. 2 squads of gaunts assault the 2 squads of stealth suits, sweep one, the other kills a drone or two, then gets locked in combat. carnifex and spinegaunts shoot at then assault the kroot, killing 8, they run but aren't caught. broodlord assaults a team of fire warriors, killing 4 or 5, then sweeping them. everything else advances.

casualties-12 fire warriors, 8 kroot, stealth team w drones, a couple more drones, some gaunts

pat's turn 2
-crisis suits don't come in. kroot shoot at spine gaunts, kill like 2. fire warriors and hammerhead empty into the broodlord, killing him.

casualties-broodlord, some gaunts, a drone

my turn 3
-remaining spores come in but scatter off the board. 'fex kills the remaining kroot, my spine gaunts are out of synapse range, so the hive tyrant moves in to assist, also shooting at the broadside killing it (yay for S8 weapons). my remaining gaunts, save the sqaud still in combat (who kill nothing) and synapse creatures converge on the objective.

casualties-4 kroot, 6 mines

pat's turn 3
-crisis suits arrive, shoot at zoanthrope (every shot misses or doesnt' wound), and gaunts (kills a few). hammerhead shoots submunition at gaunts, kills about half a squad.

casualties-'bout a dozen gaunts, a stealth suit from CC

my turn 4
-gaunts and MC move to center, zoanthropes shoot at crisis suits, kill 2 bodyguards but the commander makes his saves. hive tyrant and warriors shoot at hammerhead, doing nothing.

casualties-2 crisis suits, another stealth suit

pat's turn 4
-crisis suit, fire warriors, and hammer head shoot at gaunts/warriors, killing a warrior (out of cover) and the other half of the gaunts. last stealth suit dies.

casualties-warrior, another dozen or so gaunts, stealth suit

my turn 5
-zoanthropes shoot "blow a tank up with my mind shot" at crisis suit commander, he fails his invuln save and dies (again, yay for instant death with S10 weapons)


pat's turn 5
-fire warriors kill about half a squad of gaunts with rapid fire, hammerhead finishes off warrior

casualties-another dozen or so gaunts, last warrior

game ends do to random game lenght

units still in play:

-12 x fire warriors
-1 x hammerhead (untouched)

-2 x mostly full gaunt squads
-1 x mostly full spinegaunt squad
-1 x half full gaunt squad
-1 x carnifex w 1 lost wound
-1 x hive tyrant
-3 x zoanthropes
-3 x frag spore mines

scott's lessons
-gaunts are amazing in CC with the new 5th rules (when I get 15-25 attacks on the charge, its not hard to kill 4 or 5 guys, if they kill less, they pretty much always run, and I usually win the initiative test to sweep em)
-zoanthropes are amazing for synapse coverage
-preferred enemy is amazing (for 1 pt on a stealer or 3 on the broodlord, you re-roll all misses to hit)
-having lots of "smaller" squads of gaunts is better than a few big ones

pat's lessons
-never, ever let fire warriors get in CC
-stealth suits are bad in CC, don't infiltrate em close to hordes that move faster than you
-pie-plating gaunts works, but even then there's a lot of em to kill


Ott_Ian said...

Yeah, when your Epic Commander gets stuck in combat with GUARDSMEN of all things, it doesn't bode well for your basic unit. (Speaking towards the Tau here)

Pat said...

aother thing you missed scott i would of done more damamge if your psinapes creatures didnt get the abilitiy that they cant be instant killed by weapons double their tough(hence big nid are disgusting to shoot at with big guns because you can kill them in one shot)

Pat said...

Ian my epic commander wouldnt get locked into combat for very long and even if he did he can get out very easily....i got rolled this match because i have never played agaisnt nid before we will se how the next game go's. but yes tue fire worriers are very squshy against anything in CC

scott_smu said...

yeah, pat has a good point, he's never faced nid before so he had no idea what he was up against.

and yes, the synapse ability that makes all nid in its coverage immune to instant kill is amazing.

and I find it hard to beleive geoff's commander actually got stuck in combat with guardsmen, they are S5, T4 with 4 attacks (better than a marine commander), granted they have low initative and WS. its possible, just surprizing.