Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Battle Report

Well at long last I am posting the battle report from john's and my game from a couple weeks ago. It was a 750pt game of Marines vs Guard. Here are some pics.

Turn 1
John went first which essentially let him survive. Had I gone first I feel comfortable that I would have obliterated his tanks with my 4 lascannons.
So on John's first turn he killed my sargeant and 3 lascannons from my desestator squad and that was it. For me I destroyed a battlecannon off of one his leaman russes and 1 guardsmen.

Turn 2
John killed three tactical marines and rolled horribly for the rest of the turn. I killed 17 of his guardsmen with a combination of shooting and flaming the heck out of his men.

Turn 3
This turn I made a critical error adn left one of my tactical squads out in the open and it got obliterated by a leaman russ and I lost the remaining 9 men in a tactical squad. I killed 2 guardsmen and wounded his hq.
Turn 4
John killed nothing of mine and was essentially ready to quit. I killed one of his commisars and that ended a pretty boring turn.

Turn 5
I blew up a few more of his weapons on his leaman russes and he killed nothing.

Turn 6
I killed his hq and he killed nothing.

Overall it was a pretty boring game but it was a good learning experience for john and a good one for me as it actually allowed me to learn the rules for myself and not use everyone else as a rules crutch. I couldnt find in the rulebook the levels of victory but anyway it was mainly an intro for john. See everyone on Saturday.

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