Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mike vs Justin 1500 points 5th ed battle report

Sorry, this won't be charismatic, just a list of does and don'ts for marines vs chaos and a short overview of hilarity.

Hilarious moments:

I lost 7 marines to plasma and dangerous terrain. Justin killed about 21 of my guys. That's 25% of my own guys lost to accidents.

The setup itself. There was a raging river that counted as dangerous down the middle of the table with a bridge across it. Justin chose a corner where he had a rhino just across it already while i had to go across the bridge or the river. My corner had so much terrain I was afraid to move at all.

My librarian was in 5 rounds of combat and did not kill a single plague marine, he also didn't kill anything in shooting. I had 4 attacks, 3s to hit, 5s to kill. Not one died. Though the plague marines killed a total of 3 guys in that unit during that same time. Not the most exciting combat to watch.

I had all 5 of my units starting in rhinos so Justin had to first kill the rhino, then the passengers. Justin had 2 of his units in rhinos which meant 7 rhinos on the table at once.

I wounded 2 of 6 plague marines from a plasma cannon, I needed 2s to wound. Justin then passed the coversaves.

Obliterators do not enjoy being assaulted by a guy with a powerfist or shot by lascannons but other than that are awesome.


-Basically I hid my troops inside rhinos and shot at Justin as he made his way to me. I started already sitting on 2 of the 4 objectives and Justin decided to send his guys to me instead of putting them next to the objective in his quarter.
-I sent my assault squads out to destroy Justin's troops and if they had a chance, which they did, kill any of his strong things, obliterators.
-I also sent a unit of guys out to try and capture the objective Justin left behind but they were being stalled by a rather intimidating but poor shooting Defiler.
-Another tactic I had was every unit I had was a troop choice, 5 men big, and in a Rhino.

-Putting Obliterators on the top floor of buildings is good. You can't shoot them through the floor as you assault them as before and you have to make a difficult terrain check.
-Noise marines are gross, the extra initiative does wonders in combat now.
-I think Justin learned the value of taking a power weapon/fist in his squads. I kept making a lot of armour saves that I could have been denied.
-Having a transport is awesome to move multiple units if the first one dies. Also good for contesting ground and blocking roadways to other transports.
-After seeing my plasma overheat at least 1/3 times Justin decided to abstain from using the volatile weaponry. I would too but it's kinda funny seeing that many of your own guys die to their own guns.


Overall it was a hilariously fun game. The dice rolling seemed to have an odd amount of 1s making most things live till the last turn. Actually I think only 5 units died that whole game, 2 3man oblit squads, a rhino, a 10man assault squad, and a 10man chaos marine squad.
Justin immobilized my rhinos even though I wasn't going to use them to move, lol.
I immobilized his defiler but it just kept shooting at the rhino heading for his objective.


Ott_Ian said...

That does sound hilarious Mike, I look forward to playing a game like that with you.

Although you can see now why I don't load up on the Plasma weaponry. Its expensive, and its even less survivable in the hands of Guardsmen.

I generally only entrust my Stormtroopers with the stuff, since they can at least shoot properly.

scott_smu said...

I know the feeling, more of my plasma guys die to themselves than the enemy. an interesting new rule is that if you try and shoot a gets hot gun, but are out of range, you still have to take the armor save. it makes sense, it just sucks a lot.

Mike said...

Hey Ian, plasma only gets hot on 1s now so you could give your basic guys sharpshooters so they wouldn't get hot. Don't forget to hide them behind another unit to prevent them being charged. You could even hide them behind two and run them after you shoot so the enemy doesn't but you do get a cover save.

Ott_Ian said...

Sorry Mike. Sharpshooters specifically says in its entry that it doesn't work on Plasma because "Few men survive to master the weapon"

Back when Snipers hit on a 2+ you couldn't put sharpshooters on them either because "The slightest inaccuracy ruins the shot"

I wish though, I definitely wish.