Monday, July 7, 2008

Mike vs Justin 1500 points battle report

2x10 warriors
2x5 immortals
2x3 destroyers
1x4 destroyers
The Nightbringer

Chaos Marines
2x10 plague marines (one with rhino)
2x2 obliterators
2x10 raptors

It was a dark day as smoke and fog billowed over the battlefield. Despite the large area the two opposing armies sat across from each other in relative proximity. Both armies were there to scavenge four precious items which lay among the ruined area.

The Necrons strode forth opening fire managing to kill 3 raptors and stun the rhino filled with plague marines. The Nightbringer moved towards the bulk of the enemy.

Infuriated both squads of raptors charged forward. One even flew right into a building in its haste to see blood suffering zero casualties. The rhino drove forward releasing the disgusting marines inside to open fire on the immortal squad near them killing one. The obliterators all opened fire on the Nightbringer but all failed to hit, possibly from lack of torsos to stabilize their aim.

Falling back some from the plague marines the immortals fired back killing one. Another died with help from a squad of destroyers. With the threat of the raptors bearing down on them two squads of destroyers, a unit of warriors and a unit of immortals all opened fire managing to kill another 4 raptors causing the remaining 3 to flee in terror at such fire power. The Nightbringer fired an arc of lightening at the obliterators splattering one into pieces.

Attempting to avenge their allies the remaining raptor squad charged forth into the unit of immortals that had foolishly moved too close felling one only to see it rise back up. The plague marine squad moved toward a unit of warriors having its transport shield them from further shooting from the destroyer and immortal units. They opened fire on the warriors killing one but it just repaired itself. Typhus and his squad of plague marines were slowly advancing through a building unable to move very fast through the debris. The obliterators fired on the warriors but only managed to vaporize a few trees.

Frustrated the destroyer squad opened fire on the rhino blocking their line of sight to the marines turning it into a smoking wreck. The warriors fired on the marines managing to wound one before watching with glee as the shot bypassed its armour and feel no pain. The Nightbringer charged into battle with the raptor squad slaughtering four of them. The raptors unable to harm the living metal god attacked the immortals finishing off two of them. The immortals attacked back managing to kill yet another marine. The raptors fled combat managing to escape.

The plague marines ignored the deaths of the rhino crew as they ran at the warriors guns blazing. For the rest of the battle the marines lost not a single man as they constantly slew warriors only to have them stand to fight again. By the end the warriors managed to remain at a precarious 5 denying any points to the enemy. The raptors turned around and charged into the other warrior squad which too fought until the final hours just to die under the metal claws but not until killing 3 warriors.

The Nightbringer set its sights on the juicy squad of plague marines escorting Typhus devouring six of them in one round of combat. Typhus though a powerful psyker could do nothing to stop such an immense being.

Everything was locked in combat save the destroyers who hid themselves from the powerful obliterators. One squad did not hide well enough as it was blasted apart by plasma cannon fire.
The Nightbringer continued eating through the helpless plague marines.

The warrior units and immortal unit were all locked in fierce combat with the other plague marines and the slowly diminishing raptor squad. The Nightbringer set his sights on a much tastier target as he supped well on the now deceased Typhus.

The obliterators could not help but feel left out as their guns were silent as they watched the combat take place with no enemies to shoot at.

The Nightbringer finally finished off the last of the plague marine squad and moved menacingly towards the obliterators. The raptor squad had dwindled down to 2 marines who were cut down as they attempted to flee. The remaining destroyer squads sped from cover to contest two of the precious loot that the two armies had fought so hard for.

Not wanting to share the loot, the obliterators rapid fired their twin-linked plasma guns into the destroyers. One squad was blown to shards of metal as an obliterator was wounded by his own gun. The other squad managed to survive by mere inches, though one destroyer was lost, which let them deny the opposition precious points turning what could have been a tie into a solid victory for the metal tide of machines.

Final Score: Not sure but about 450 points more for Necrons, which would have been a tie if Justin had rolled more than a 1 to wound another destroyer.

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