Monday, July 7, 2008

daemonhunters VS the tau empire

pat, even though you asked me to report on our game(s) on sunday, after some thought I think you should do it. being a fairly new player, I think reflecting on the game like that will help you quite a bit, you might find some holes in your/my tactics to change/take advantage of, or just get a new look at your army. you shouldn't worry too much about making it sound epic or anything, just try and be as accurate as possible (what units did what, in general, you obviously don't have to be like "on turn 5 scott's grey knights moved 5.7" and shot 10 storm bolter shots at my fire warriors, hitting 8, wounding 7 and I failed 3 armor saves, then rolled a 5 for losing 25% casualties and didn't run blah blah blah"), if you miss anything I'll fill in the blanks for everyone, assuming I can remember.


scott_smu said...

I also forgot to mention that, even though I'm in math, I didn't know that 145+131-95=180ish (I can't remember the exact #'s anyway). either way that's enough for you to have gotten a solid victory in our game, when I orriginally said we drawed.

Mike said...

The rest of us all know that the real reason to have Pat report the games is because you are just too lazy to. And that title is very deceiving, I was expecting a battle report.

scott_smu said...

in all fairness I reported on the last one.