Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mike versus Justin 1500 point battle report

Mike's Army:

The Nightbringer
10 Necron Warriors
10 Necron Warriors
3 Scarabs
3 Scarabs
3 Scarabs
A Monolith
Another Monolith
3 Heavy Destroyers

Justin's Army:

Fabius Bile
Chaos Lord w/terminator armour and pair of lightning claws
10 Plague Marines w/champion w/powerfist and rhino
9 Plague Marines w/champion w/powerfist and rhino
3 Oblitorators
A Defiler w/tl-lascannon and heavy flamer
A Vindicator w/pintle mounted tl-bolter
2 Chaos Spawn

Capture and Control
Pitched Battle

General Setup:
Lots of ruins surrounding lots of forest. The Objectives were placed near the middle at opposite sides. Justin rolled for first turn.
He had his marines inside their rhinos with Fabius in the 9-man unit (hereafter PM1, the other PM2) They were near the middle with the spawn between them. The oblitorators were next to his objective next to PM2. The defiler was at one end near the oblits and the vindicator was at the opposite end near PM1. He kept his Chaos Lord in reserve.
On my side I had the Heavy Destroyers opposite his vindicator but only 5.5" in so it was impossible for it to shoot them. Then were 3 scarabs (hereafter S1). Warrior unit 1 (W1) was on a hill to the right of them. Then Monolith 1 was next. Then the Nightbringer in the middle of the board. Then Warrior unit 2 (W2) inside a 4-story ruin all spread out among all floors to be blast resistant with 2 on the objective at the bottom. Monolith 2 was next to the ruin. Scarab unit 2 (S2) was behind W1/the hill. Scarab unit 3 (S3) was behind Monolith 1.

First turn Justin:
He moved both his rhinos forward as far as they would go turning them a little as both PM squads jumped out and fired the few shots they had in range at the warrior squads opposite them. The vindicator moved forward and fired at S1 knowing he was out of range of the Heavy Destroyers. They went to ground getting a 2+ cover save. The Defiler moved forward and fired its battlecannon at Monolith 1 figuring a scatter could hit S2, the Nightbringer, or W1 but it missed everything. The oblits fired lascannons at Monolith 1 doing nothing. The spawn crawled towards W1 slowly.
Casualties: None

First turn Mike:
The Heavy Destroyers moved a little forward and fired at the Vindicator shaking the crew enough that they refused to shoot next turn. S1 had gone to ground. S2 moved directly in front of W2 to prevent PM1 with Fabius from assaulting them anytime soon. The warriors all remained where they were. W1 fired at the rhino1 shredding the tracks and immobilizing it. W2 fired at the Defiler failing to do anything meaningful. The Nightbringer moved straight towards PM2 threatening them with certain death. He fired at the rhino2 knowing he couldn't assault this turn but he's an awful shot who misses 75% of the time. Monolith1 fired its particle whip at PM1 getting a direct hit but only killing two as the rest hid in cover. Monolith 2 fired its particle whip at PM2 getting the same result. S3 stayed still not sure what to do yet.
Casualties: Rhino1-immobilized, PM1-2 plague marines, PM2-2 plague marines, Vindicator-shaken

Second turn Justin:
The Vindicator moved sideways trying to hide from the Heavy Destroyers. PM1 moved forward and fired a few shots into the scarabs in their way before assaulting them resulting in a quick combat before consolidating to an inch in front of the warriors. The oblits fired at the Nightbringer but he shrugged off the shot. The defiler fired at Monolith 2 missing with its tl-lascannon. PM2 hopped back into their rhino as the driver shoved the gear into reverse and drove back full speed. The immobilized rhino1 shot and missed the S1 scarabs. The Chaos lord failed to show up. Rhino1 fired at the W1 warriors killing one.
Casualties: W1-1 warrior, S1-3 scarabs (wiped out)

Second turn Michael:
The Nightbringer moved towards the spawn, assaulted and killed both with instant death attacks then consolidated towards rhino2. Monolith 1 moved forward as much as he could before warping the W1 warriors through its portal away from the plague marine threat and into a forest halfway to the objective. Then it unleashed its gauss flux arc in all directions causing rhino2 to be shaken as well as wounding a spawn. The W1 warriors walked further into the forest and attempted to finish off the rhino2 but to no avail. W2 shot at the Defiler only to stun it which didn't matter for the possessed machine. Monolith 2 fired its whip through two windows of a ruin at PM1 and managed to kill 3 of the plague marines. The Heavy Destroyers moved far across the board hunting the Vindicator but only managed to shake the tank again. S1 scarabs turboboosted in front of the Vindicator and rhino1 hoping to avoid being shot at. S3 scarabs turboboosted in front of Monolith 2 hoping to prevent the Monolith from being assaulted by the Defiler.
Casualties: 2 Chaos Spawn, PM1-3 plague marines, rhino2-shaken, Vindicator-shaken

Third turn Justin:
The PM1 marines seethed with anger over the disappearance of the enemy and moved back to cover and to shoot, assault and kill of of S1 scarabs and consolidate near Monolith 1. The Defiler fired its lascannon at Monolith 2 missing it again. Its heavy flamer overlapped the scarabs in front and dealt 4 wounds. The Oblits fired plasma cannons at them killing the last two which freed the Defiler to assault the Monolith shaking it. The Vindicator drove through a ruin hoping to get away from the Heavy Destroyers. The plague marines hiding in the rhino fired from the hatch at the W1 warriors failing to kill any. The Chaos Lord failed to show up again.
Casualties: S1 and S3 wiped out, Monolith 2 shaken

Third turn Mike:
The Heavy Destroyers continued to chased the Vindicator causing it to be shaken once move. The W1 warriors in the forest fired at the rhino2 doing nothing but shaking it. The Nightbringer ran at the rhino2 shooting but missing before assaulting it causing it to explode forcing the unharmed marines to disembark. Both Monoliths fired at the Defiler and missed. W2 warriors fired at the Defiler and managed to destroy an attack arm.
Casualties: Defiler-armament destroyed:combat arm, rhino2-exploded, Vindicator-shaken

Fourth turn Justin:
Oblits fired at Monolith 1 failing to hit it at all. The Defiler moved forward again firing at Monolith 2 before assaulting it but failed on both accounts to accomplish anything. PM1 squad moved towards the W1 warriors as well and opened fire killing two. The Vindicator driver decided to try and protect the plague marines as the Nightbringer glared at them hungrily by tank shocking the C'tan. Rather than give way the C'tan stood his ground penetrating the tanks armour only to fail to stun the crew or worse. The C'tan exploded in a mighty fury taking 5 of the PM2 plague marines with him. The plague marines ran for cover next to their objective. The Chaos Lord finally showed up only to scatter an amazing 12" from where he wanted to be landing on Monolith 2. He quickly reteleported into a ruin far from battle only to suffer a crippling injury as he entered.
Casualties: W1-2 warriors, the Nightbringer, PM2-5 plague marines, Vindicator-shaken, Chaos Lord

Fourth turn Mike:
The Heavy Destroyers turboboosted into the middle of the enemy's starting area as the Vindicator was well out of sight. Both warrior squads opened fire on the Defiler managing to immobilize it as well as shoot off its battle cannon after Monolith 2 failed to hit it. Also one warrior stood back up. Monolith 1 moved between W1 and PM1 to prevent any more casualties to them. The plague marine champion attempted a last stand only to be run down. Monolith 1 then fired at the Vindicator destroying it.
Casualties: The Vindicator, PM1-plague marine champion, Defiler-immobilized and battlecannon lost, W1+1 warrior

Fifth turn Justin:
With few options left both plague marine squads remained where they were taking shots at the warriors but failing to kill any. The Oblitorators fired at Monolith 1 failing to penetrate its armour. The Defiler opened fire on Monolith 2 failing to hit it.
Casualties: None

Fifth turn Mike:
Needing to contest the other objective held by 3 plague marines the Heavy Destroyers turboboosted right next to it and them. Monolith 1 progressed forward drawing the W1 warriors from the forest letting them run at the plague marines and assault them resulting in one dead warrior. Monolith 2 fired its particle whip at the Oblits killing two of them. Monolith 1 (illegally) fired its particle whip killing the last one (so it won't count). W2 warriors opened fire on the Defiler not even glancing once.
Casualties: 2 Oblitorators, W1-1 warrior

Our game ended there from time restraints with one objective in control of Mike and the other fiercely contested.

Total Casualties:
Justin: 2 Oblitorators, 1 Vindicator, 1 Chaos Lord, 12 plague marines plus 1 champion, 2 Chaos Spawn, 1 rhino, 1 rhino immobilized, 1 Defiler immobilized and missing its battlecannon and a combat arm
Mike: 9 Scarabs, The Nightbringer, 3 warriors

End of game notes:
Justin had a few things going against him/I had some advantages this game. The intimidating factor of the Nightbringer and 2 Monoliths. Basically he fired at practically unkillable models when he could have fired those lascannons or battlecannon on the warriors. But, without the Monoliths the warriors would quickly fall as I would have had no way to get them out of combat or to move them quickly away, or even kill plague marines. My warriors were inside a ruin with four floors which made it so blasts could kill at most 3 warriors if they hit and I failed to save. I placed the objective there and lucked out. I had Heavy Destroyers which had longer range than the Vindicator and could hunt it down. The Nightbringer is a stupidly powerful choice when the enemy has few options to hurt it. Justin had a lot of options but they were busy with other things.
I think Justin would have actually benefited more from going second because I believe he could have taken more advantage from tactical positioning than being the first to run his rhinos forward. I took major advantage of going second. I placed my Heavy Destroyers across from their target and just out of range of return fire. I had the Nightbringer opposite one squad of plague marines which without him I would have trouble with.

For everybody's information, firing at a Monolith from a BS4 lascannon has a 3.7% chance of wrecking it. That's 13.5 shots to destroy it 50% of the time, 27 shots to almost guarantee success. BS3 has a 2.7% chance, 18.5 shots for a 50% chance.

Anybody have any ideas on how to make my battle reports better/more entertaining/more organized/read more easily?


scott_smu said...

mike, have your phase out rules changed any in 5th?

Ott_Ian said...

I think they're actually pretty well organized as they are. You're very precise. As well, the little casulty lists at the bottom are a good "Refresher" if you get lost in the description.

I wouldn't change anything personally.

Mike said...

I too enjoy casualty lists at the end, I am mostly worried that the abbreviations are a little bad.

No phase out rules have not changed, it's just that my guys were pretty well defended as I setup second.

scott_smu said...

I agree about the abbreviations, but you do em in a way that makes it managable to read, so don't worry too much.

and no matter how well your guys are set up, with only 23 necrons justin could have phased you out without too much difficulty (use the battle cannon and demolisher to kill em, or the scarabs to open way for his marines and defiler to assault em)

I'm still really impressed he managed to kill the c'tan by tank shocking it, never though of using that as a MC/hero killer (hardly super-effective, but easier than bolters)

Mike said...

The defiler couldn't assault the warriors, it can't fit inside the ruin. Its battlecannon would be entirely ineffective the way I had them on 4 different floors.

The C'tan died because I wanted to try an kill the Vindicator on his turn. I could have moved aside and assaulted on my turn. The best was when we weren't sure whether he killed it or not, plus the explosion afterwards from killing it.

scott_smu said...

you still see my point mike, he wasted a lot of firepower on the monoliths and c'tan when it might have been in his best interest to go necron hunting (considering he wasn't really packing an army to fight your c'tan and monoliths)