Monday, September 1, 2008

Battle Report

2 Games
1000 pts Eldar vs Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard List:
Command HQ
2 Command Squads
2 Platoons/3 squads each w/heavy and special weapons
2 Chimera APC's
1 Basilisk

Eldar List:
1 Squad Dire Avengers
1 Squad Fire Dragons w/Wave Serpent
1 Squad Striking Scorpions
1 Squad Pathfinders
1 Avatar of Khaine

it was indeed a dark day for the servants of the emperor! holy crap talk about a learning experience. in my second game of warhammer i was not expecting (although i should have expected), to have my ass handed to me so quickly.

Game 1

i was very confident that i would have this game in the bag. over confident might be a better word. my infantry army massively dwarfed that of the small eldar force before me. numbers were on my side but lady luck was not. with in the first 4 turns, out of the 6 squads of the emperor finest, only one was left! The enemy commander was in much better shap with only losing 1 squad of pathfinders and the bulk of his forces bearing down on me. although the were facing dire straits thoose boys held on to get the draw. i should have learned from the very first game i had with brad that my infantry would get annihalated quickly but i was not prepared for that kind of carnage.

Game 2

i won the roll to go first. although i made a critical error when placing my army. i split them up instead of keeping them together. my baslisk roared to life and knocked out a squad of Dire Avengers in a matter of moments. i began to think that i was actually goin to pull of a win, but my enemy made good work of the disadvantage i gave myself. he assaulted in and before i could react my flanks were ripped open. on the fourth turn was then conpletely overrun.

this was definetly a good learning experience for me. i have reorganized my army and the next time i meet thoose eldar scum the tables will be turned. i have decided to take on a more Mechanized approach to my army. the Leman Russ is far to powerful to leave out and mixed with Chimera's its pretty potent, atleast on paper.

my apologies on not having any pics or a more extensive battle report. not having a digital camera makes that very hard. im goin to be playing again sometime this week i will post as soon as i can after every game to keep you guys informed.



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