Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mike's Battle Report vs Ian

Armies: Necrons (Mike) vs Imperial Guard (Ian)
Points: 1500

Army Lists:

Mike as Necrons:
Necron Lord w/destroyer body, warscythe, phylactery, nightmare shroud
2x 10 Warriors
3x 4 Destroyers
2x Tomb Spyders

Ian as Guard
Company Command Squad w/company banner in a chimera
3x Veteran Squads w/3 meltaguns in a chimera
2x Leman Russ Demolishers w/lascannon
2 Medussas w/bastion breacher shells
10 man Psyker Battle Squad in a chimera
(all the chimeras replaced the heavy bolters with heavy flamers)

Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War

Ian forces me to go first. I deploy a very lonely Destroyer Lord and keep the Monolith and both Warrior squads in reserve. Everything else comes on first turn.

Ian leaves everything off to come in his first turn except the scout sentinel.
We played on our favourite GW table, the desert table. It's really awesome because all the terrain matches and neither of us care about forests or ruins.

Mike's turn 1:
I bring my destroyers and tomb spyders in.

Ian's turn 1:
Ian brings everything in and fires what he can on the lord doing nothing.
Mike's turn 2:
I move everything forward trying to remain in cover. The destroyers manage to shake a Medussa, destroy a weapon on the other, and shake the left Demolisher.
The lord assaults the closest chimera and manages to stun it.

Ian's turn 2:
He moves all his stuff forward that he can. His right Demolisher fails a difficult terrain check. His two vets that can fire annihilate the lord who has no cover. The Medussas fire on the destroyers only killing one. That is enough for the Psykers to make them Ld 2 and make them run off the board.

2 kill points for Ian.

Mike's turn 3:
My Lord fails his WBB. Luckily the Monolith comes in, dropping into the middle of all Ian's tanks. The lord gets teleported and fails his second WBB. A warrior squad also comes in which I place near the left side. My spyders continue forward.

Ian's turn 3:
Ian drives his tanks away from the Monolith as I laugh. He then fires his Demolisher into it causing it to explode for the first time in all our battles. I start to cry as he gets his 3rd kill point.

Ian's sentinel arrives from reserve and outflanks on the left. He immediately assaults the warrior squad next to the edge where they remain in combat for the rest of the game with no casualties on either side.

Mike's turn 4:
I get scared of the Demolisher and place my Destroyers next to the combat gaining cover and even preventing the Demolisher from being able to shoot at them at all.

My other warriors come in and hug the terrain.

I fire into the side AV of Ian's Medussas with 4 Destroyers. Needing 4's to glance I proceeded to roll 1 pen. I called shenanigans after that. I did manage to destroy a Medussa though. The other destroyers keep the Demolisher stunned.

Ian's turn 4:
Ian continues moving forwards.
Ian kills a single Warrior, a Tomb Spyder, and 4 Destroyers (2 pass their WBB).

He now has 4 kill points to my 0. Now I'm getting upset. I'm necrons and he's guard and beating me in kill points.

Mike's turn 5:
My Tomb Spyder finally reaches his Medussas and kills the last one. I shift my lone destroyer around to try and take out some chimeras but he fails.

I also manage to wreck an empty chimera just for the kill point.

Ian's turn 5:
He charges my Tomb with his enginseer killing it. He fires into my warriors and the lone destroyer only killing 1 warrior.

Mike's turn 6:
My warrior squad charges into the veteran squad beating them in combat, they run, I catch them.

Ian's turn 6:
He keeps trying to kill stuff but once again kills a single warrior.

The game ends turn 6.
Mike's Necrons: 3 kill points: (chimera, medussas, veteran squad)
Ian's Guard: 5 kill points: (lord, monolith, destroyer squad, 2 tomb spyders)

Lessons learned from that game:
1. Never rely on the lord making their WBB, keep them in cover or in a unit.
2. If it's a kill points mission just kill the chimeras and ignore the hard to kill stuff.
3. Enginseers are ridiculously good. They come with a power weapon and each servitor adds to the repair roll AND has a S8 attack.
4. If a sentinel can outflank you need to stay away from the edges because it sucks when a 35 point unit ties up a 180 point unit for an entire game.

PS: Sorry about the formatting. In the editor it looks great but then when it gets published it turns to this.

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