Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mike vs Scott

Armies: Necrons (Mike) vs Salamanders (Scott)
Points: 1500
Mission: Capture and Control
Deployment: Pitched Battle

Necron List:

The Deceiver
2x 10 Warriors
3x 4 Destroyers

Marine List:

Vulkan He'Stan
Ironclad Dreadnaught (heavy flamer, meltagun, 2x HK missiles, drop pod)
5 Assault Terminators (thunder hammers and storm shields)
3x 10 Tactical Marines (power weapon, missile launcher, flamer, rhino)
Land Raider

Scott won the roll off but opted for me to go first which I happily did. He failed to seize the initiative. Here's the how the board looked first turn.

This is my side, warriors (W1), destroyers (D1), Monolith, Deceiver. On Scott's side he put all his tactical marines into combat squads. He had two rhinos with guys in the opposite (CS 1, 2). In the building he had all three combat squads that had missile launchers (CS 4,5,6). Vulkan was opposite the Monolith. The warriors moved into the debris at the back in the middle using a Deceiver ability.

Here is the C'tan, destroyers (D2), warriors (W2), destroyers (D3). Opposite the C'tan was Scott's last rhino with guys (CS3). Also here is his land raider with termies inside. The Ironclad was in reserve with the drop pod.

Necron Turn 1:

The Monolith and The C'tan both moved straight forward unsure of where to go. The warriors all stayed put. The D1 destroyers moved behind warriors W1 for the cover firing on rhino 2 stunning it. The D2 destroyers fired on rhino 3 wrecking it. The D3 destroyers fired on the Land Raider stunning it as well. The Deceiver tried to make Vulkan run but didn't get anyone to that game. The particle whip killed a single marine from CS 3.

Marine Turn 1:

The only rhino that could move charged forward 12" along the board edge and popped smoke. CS4,5,6 all moved farther forward in their ruin with CS6 reaching the top. Vulkan moved and ran forward. The land raider damaged a D3 destroyer with its heavy bolter. CS3 walked forward into a forest.
Then as I was about to start my turn I remembered Scott didn't drop his Ironclad. It came down right next to the W1 warriors flaming them and the D1 destroyers, missing with both missiles, but managed to damage 2 warriors and 2 destroyers.

Necron Turn 2:
WBB rolls: the D3 destroyer and both warriors failed. Only 1 D1 destroyer repaired itself.

The C'tan moved and ran forward again failing to make the CS3 marines run. The D2 destroyers unloaded on them as well killing off 2 of them. The D3 destroyers moved very close to the land raider and only shook it.
The Monolith moved forward turning around to warp the D1 destroyers through it, repairing the destroyer who failed the first time. Then it shot at everything within 12" shaking the drop pod and dreadnaught. The warriors shot at rhino 1 but didn't do a thing. That's when the D1 destroyers shot the crap out of the dread's rear armour immobilizing it and taking out its arm with the heavy flamer.

Marine Turn 2:

The land raider moved up and dropped the termies an inch from the D3 destroyers dooming them to death from thunder hammers in the ensuing assault phase. The land raider shot at the warriors this and the next turn failing to kill any.
On the other side of the board the two combat squads in rhinos drove forward and hoped out firing at the destroyers and warriors damaging one in each unit. Vulkan continued to move forward.

Necron Turn 3:
WBB: the destroyer repaired itself while the warrior just laid there

I ran away in the movement phase leaving one side of the board pretty clear of necrons. The Monolith moved into a path blocking off much of the access. Then the warrior squad W1 warped through it to the other side, repairing the downed warrior, then rapid fired into CS3 killing 3 more marines leaving the sarge with a power weapon.
The two remaining destroyer units backed up firing into CS6 killing the remaining 3 marines and into CS2 killing the sarge.
The C'tan changed its direction back to the terminators, assaulting and killing only 1 of them.

Marine Turn 3:

The land raider moved closer to my objective. Vulkan kept moving closer to my table edge. The CS1 and CS2 hopped back into their rhinos. CS1 heading towards the destroyers. CS2 retreating to his objective. The sarge from CS3 assults my warrior squad killing none before failing 3 armour saves. Nothing was injured during the shooting phase at all. The Deceiver kills another 2 terminators while taking a single wound back.

Necron Turn 4:

The Monolith tank shocks Vulkan who fails his ld check and starts running for the board edge. The W1 warriors begin running up the wall to the marine objective. The other warriors fired on the land raider failing to get a single glance. The C'tan eats the two remaining terminators and takes another wound, consolidating towards the land raider.
The D1 unit wrecked CS1's rhino. The Monolith fired its whip into the grouped up marines in the ruins killing a couple more.

Marine Turn 4:

The land raider tank shocks into my warriors firing on the C'tan but only manages to contest my objective. Vulkan runs away because the Monolith is too close to him. The CS2 drives underneath Scott's objective and sits there. CS1 runs to the ruin with the rest.

Necron Turn 5:

Fearing it may be my last turn I rapid fire on the land raider with 10 gauss flayers managing to immobilize it and take off a lascannon. The Deceiver moves in to destroy it in the only explosion of the game taking 3 warriors with it.
The destroyers all move up preparing to contest the objective on turn 6. They both fire on CS2 killing a mere 2 guys but they run away. The warriors tried to run closer but all my running this game was 1-3". The Monolith fires into the building again killing 3 more marines.

Marine Turn 5:

Vulkan and CS2 keep running. Scott knows he cannot contest my objective anymore and concentrates on securing his own. Scott hops his marines out of the rhino and runs upstairs with the other two squads circling his objective preventing any chance that I can contest on turn 6.

Necron Turn 6:

The warriors warp through the Monolith after it moves up against the ruin. They then run upstairs. The Monolith fires into the marines killing a bunch of them, leaving 3 marines all in different squads. The Deceiver keeps trying to get close enough to deceive someone but never does anything the rest of the game. At this point Scott is left with 3 Marines all in different units

Marines Turn 6:

CS2 manage to rally this turn. Vulkan also continues to run but manages to fire on the D2 destroyers escorting him off the board killing two. The remaining two fail their ld and run 10 inches. The drop pod fires on the other destroyers killing 1 of them.

Necrons Turn 7:
WBB: the D2 destroyers both get back up and regroup but the D1 destroyer stays down.

The destroyers fire on the CS2 marines killing 1 who then finish running off the board. The other destroyers fire on the rhino but fail to do anything to it. The Monolith fires on the marines in the ruin killing another 2 of them leaving a single marine alive. The warriors run to get close to the objective contesting it.

Marines Turn 7:

Now I felt fairly certain that Scott was not going to move 8 warriors off an objective but I'd be wrong. He tank shocked them and the destroyers with the last rhino but that failed. Vulkan who didn't do anything all game and came half an inch to running off the board regrouped, walked back, fired on the warriors causing me to fail 3 of 4 armour saves. I then fail a ld 10 check running away.

The game ends as a draw 1-1.

Marines left standing: Vulkan, a single marine, a rhino without a weapon, a drop pod.

Necrons left standing: Deceiver, 10 warriors, 7 destroyers, the Monolith.

It was a ridiculous ending with Scott pulling a draw out of his ass. Vulkan was more influential than I thought. He lured the C'tan away from the termies for the first 2 turns. He let all his flamers wound me a lot more often. And in the last turn he turned the whole battle. The 2 destroyer squads killed a lot more marines than I thought they would. The warriors seemed like they were there for show. The c'tan saved my objective from 450 points of death. The monolith slowly killed a lot of guys as well.

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