Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mike's take on Planetstrike

It's awesome sounding. The moment me and Justin get that table set up I want to play. By the way, me and Justin are building our own table and have terrain and grass for it, it will be awesome.
As of now it's me and Ian who have the book so I'll just summarize it now in the form of setup.

1. Choose who is the attacker and who is the defender.

2. Make your army list. Way different than normal. The attacker must have an HQ. That's the requirement. He can have 3 HQ, 6 Fast, 6 Elite, 6 Troops, 3 Heavy. The defender mus have an HQ and 2 Troops. He can have 3 HQ, 3 Fast, 3 Elite, 8 Troops, 6 Heavy.

3. Select the Planetstrike mission. I'll just explain the basic Planetfall mission. There are 6 in total.

4. Prepare the battlefield. So awesome, the defender gets to set up the terrain in any way he likes. The attacker has no say in the matter. The defender can even put down bastions with like a lascannon on each side or heavy bolters. Too bad none of us have bastions but I'll make at least 2 bunkers.

5. Determine objectives. The defender now picks which terrain pieces count as objectives, usually bastions. 3 things change for objective taking. 1-any unit can capture an objective, not just troops. 2-you have to be in base to base or in the terrain. 3-the attacker controls the objective if he is there, even if the defender is there too. The book suggests an odd number so that victory is more certain rather than a draw.

6. Attacker prepares invasion. Now the attacker picks a table edge to be his drop zone, which is the table edge that his units come from. The cool part is that in Planetstrike, the attacker's infantry, monstrous creatures, and jetbikes all gain the Deep Strike rule.

7. Determine stratagems. Each stratagem is worth so many points based on how good it is. You get to spend as many points as there are objectives. It says in the strategem entry when you reveal it.

8. Defender deploys. He sets down his guys but his deployment zone is the entire board. I guess technically if he had enough guys he could line them all along the drop zone and force his opponent to Deep Strike infantry. He can also keep as many as he wants in reserves.

The attacker must keep all his units in reserve. Reserves for both sides arrive on a 3+ on turn 1, 2+ on turn 2, and automatically come in on turn 3.

9. Attacker launches firestorm. The attacker gets as many shots as D6+number of objectives. It's basically a basilisk shot with no range. S9, ap3, barrage, ordnance 1

10. Invasion begins. Attacker gets first turn. In the event of a tie, it comes down to kill points.

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