Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mike vs Ian (rematch)

So after losing so miserably to Ian with Necrons last time I had to give my them a chance to redeem themselves. We both used slightly modified lists of what we took last time.

Necrons (Mike) vs Imperial Guard (Ian)
Points: 1500
Scenario: Secure Ground (5 objectives)
Deployment: Dawn of War
1 Necron Lord w/warscythe, destroyer body, phylactery, nightmare shroud
2x 10 Warriors
2x 4 Destroyers
2x 2 Heavy Destroyers
1 Monolith
5 Scarab Swarms

Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad in a chimera
3x Veteran Squads w/3 meltaguns in chimeras
2x Leman Russ Demolishers w/lascannon
10 man Psyker Squad in a chimera
2 Medussas
Enginseer w/3 servitors
Sentinel w/hunter killer missile
(all chimeras have hull heavy flamers)

I win the dice off and force Ian to go first and pic sides. He deploys his Enginseer near a corner in preparation for the Medussas coming in. I deploy both Warrior squads immediately controlling 3 objectives. Ian keeps his Sentinel in reserve forcing me to avoid the sides with things I don't want stuck in combat.

Ian's Turn 1:
He drives everything onto the board in a very strong defensive position. His Demolishers guard the Medussas who guard one side of the chimeras. The other Demolisher guards the other side. The front row of chimeras contains veterans guarding the valuable Psyker Battle Squad in the back from assaults and giving their chimera a cover save. He outright kills a single Warrior from the back squad with the Medussas.

Mike's Turn 1:
I turbo-boost my Lord joined with the Scarabs towards his Medussas knowing how dangerous S10 Ap2 blasts are to the rest of my army. All my destroyers and heavy destroyers turbo-boost to near the middle for a 3+ cover save. My warriors squads are too far away to shoot anything.
Ian's Turn 2:
He shifts most of his army to the right to face my Destroyers but unfortunately most of his stuff is still out of range. He fires the Medussas and a Demolisher at the Lord managing to kill 4 Scarab Swarms as I fail a couple 2+ cover saves. The rest of his shooting damages a Heavy Destroyer and Instant Deaths a Destroyer. His Psykers pounce at the opportunity to make me take a Ld 2 morale check for my Heavy which I fail but don't run off the board.
Mike's Turn 2:
The Heavy Destroyer fails his WBB but the unit rallies. One Heavy Destroyer unit moves and unloads on the side of a chimera wrecking it. A Destroyer unit stuns another forcing the chimeras behind them to go around them. The other Destroyers shake the Demolisher. My Lord flies in and explodes the other Demolisher.
Ian's Turn 3:
He moves his rear chimera to the right a little trying move ahead. His Demolisher moves back to get out of range of the warriors. The vets from the wrecked chimera move forward between the tanks. Both the Medussas fire on the Lord knowing they're next on his list but fail to wound him. With all the chimeras firing Ian manages to kill a Heavy Destroyer outside the 6" range of the others and damage 1 from the other squad which fails its WBB in the next turn. He uses his Psykers to make the last Heavy Destroyer to start running.

Mike's Turn 3:
One warrior unit fires on the Demolisher flaying off its demolisher cannon. The Lord rushes the Medussas wrecking 1 and destroying the other one's cannon and shaking it. The Heavy Destroyer rallies but fails to do anything this turn. Luckily Destroyer unit immobilizes a chimera, takes its multilaser and shakes it. The other Destroyers kill 3 guys of the vet squad available.
Ian's Turn 4:
He moves his Demolisher further away missing the destroyers with its lascannon. The vets move ahead and run for the woods. The remaining chimera with vets rushes 12" forward with the HQ right behind it. His Enginseer runs towards the Demolisher giving up on the Medussa. The Medussa also rushes for my objective hoping to contest later. The Sentinel finally comes in outflanking to the right killing my last Heavy Destroyer and hoping to assault my Warrior unit and take away 2 objectives at once.

Mike's Turn 4:
The Monolith finally arrives and fires on a chimera wrecking it and killing a couple vets from another unit. The guys inside bail out. My Warriors fire on the Sentinel immobilizing it preventing any such tactic. One Destroyer unit flays the multilaser off the chimera heading to my rear objective. The other unit fails to do anything to the chimera and 1 even damages itself in terrain.

Ian's Turn 5:
He drives his HQ chimera past the Monolith and the vet chimera onto my objective pushing my Warriors away and claiming it for now. His Sentinel kills one of the warriors who fails his WBB next turn. A vet squad tried to take down the Monolith with 3 meltaguns but failed. The other squad tried runs to claim an objective. He moves his Demolisher to the right and gets his Enginseer into base contact to repair the cannon but misses the Monolith.
Mike's Turn 5:
I move and run my forward Warrior Squad to claim 2 objectives with a conga line running to both. My other warriors moves back to the objective the were just pushed off of to contest it.

The Monolith warps a Destroyer unit through it letting the damaged one re-roll and pass his WBB. It then turns and rams the rear of the HQ chimera and immobilizes it. It then fires at every unit within 12" wrecking the HQ chimera, causes a few wounds on the 2 vet squads near it, stuns the Demolisher, and shakes the Medussa.

The other Destroyer unit surrounds the chimera close to my table edge and explodes it, damaging a Destroyer and killing 5 veterans inside who become pinned. The Lord uses the nightmare shroud to make the Enginseer run off the board and a vet squad run. The first Destroyer unit fired at the vet squad heading for an objective.
The game ends.
Final Score: Necrons - 3 vs Imperial Guard - 1

Lessons learned:
1. Sentinels are open-topped. I always forgot about that.
2. Keep units close so WBB actually works.
3. Psyker battle squads are not so scary if you are too far from the table edge to run off it.
4. Heavy destroyers are decent at destroying chimeras but die pretty easily compared to regular ones.

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