Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mike and Ian play Planetstrike

Space Wolves (Mike, Defender) vs Imperial Guard (Ian, Attacker)
Points: 1500
Scenario: Planetstrike Scenario 1

Space Wolves:
Njal Storm Caller, 4 Long Fangs with heavy bolters and multi-meltas, 3 dreadnaughts with multi-meltas, 8x 5 grey hunters w/meltaguns in rhinos.

Not sure exactly but it had 3x veteran squads inside valkyries (one unit of valks), 6x 5 man units of storm troopers, some HQ in a chimera, a banewolf, 2 units of sentinels.

There isn't much of a battle report because we played 2 games in 4hours. They both went fairly the same way.

I deployed the long fangs behind defense lines and one in the bastion with Njal. The rest was kept in reserve.
Ian would pin all my long fangs with the firestorm. He'd move his stuff in from the edge and deepstrike in so many storm trooopers. I would weather the fire behind 2+ cover saves.

Next when my reserves came in I would tank shock the storm troopers with rhinos, usually a few would fail the Ld checks and run away. I'd then destroy every vehicle with a lot of melta shots.

Ian would bring in the rest of his guys in valkyries or whatever was left. The rest of my stuff would come in and destroy the rest of his vehicles.

The rest of the game was just mopping up stragglers. This happened both games.

Lessons learned:
1. Njal is ridiculous when put in the middle of the board in a bastion that the enemy has to try and get to. His area effect power that happens each turn gets really powerful.
2. Never play on a 4x4 in a 1500 point game.
3. Guard hate it when there is zero cover for them.
4. Storm Troopers are not that good if the enemy has a 2+ cover save.
5. The defender keeping everything in reserve is awesome because you get to come up behind the attacker's units in melta range and rear armour.

Just because everyone loves pics, here are some from those games. And yeah, Ian's valkyrie fell off the table and exploded. It's all back together now.

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