Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mike vs Justin, 1500 points, SM vs CSM

Players: Space Marines (Mike) vs Chaos Space Marines (Justin)
Points: 1500
Scenario: Secure Ground (4 objectives)
Deployment: Spearhead

Space Marines:
Space Marine Captain w/power fist
10 man Tactical Squad w/meltagun, plasma cannon, Rhino
10 man Tactical Squad w/meltagun, multi-melta, Rhino
5 Assault Terminators w/4 SSTH, 1 LC
Land Raider
Ironclad Dreadnaught w/Drop Pod
Predator w/twin-linked lascannon, lascannon sponsons

Chaos Space Marines:
Daemon Prince w/mark of slaneesh, lash of submission, wings
Defiler w/havoc launcher
10 Raptors w/champion, power fist, icon of Nurgle, 2 meltaguns
10 Khorne Berzerkers w/champion, power fist, Rhino
10 Khorne Berzerkers w/champion, power fist, Rhino
5 Havocs w/lascannon, missile launcher, autocannon, heavy bolter
5 Havocs w/lascannon, missile launcher, heavy bolter

I win the roll off and choose the corner with a tall building and 3 objectives right near it. I combat squad the tactical marines and put the heavy weapons in the building. The Vindicator and Dreadnaught are kept in reserve. Everything else is deployed in front of the building.
Justin deploys his Defiler and the Havocs so he can use them his first turn.

Mike's Turn 1:
My Ironclad drops in right next to the Defiler which I destroy with a meltagun shot. I move everything up a little to the middle then fire everything I can into the Havoc squads. I kill the one with a bolter from the back squad.

Justin's Turn 1:
He fires his Havocs into one of my rhinos managing to destroy it's storm bolter. His Daemon Prince comes in which only now do I realize we rolled for reserves wrong. It charges into combat with my Ironclad failing to do anything and taking a wound for its troubles.

Mike's Turn 2:

I don't move at all and keep firing into the Havocs and manage to kill 2, one with a missile launcher and one with a heavy bolter. The Daemon Prince destroys my Ironclad and hides behind my Drop Pod.

 His Berzerkers are where the book is.

Justin's Turn 2:
His Daemon Prince assaults the Drop Pod and wrecks it. A unit of Khorne Berzerkers comes in and drives towards my base of operations in the tall building. His Raptors come in and walk into the forest around the middle of his table edge. He immobilizes my rhino.

Mike's Turn 3:
My Vindicator still doesn't come in. I shift my tanks around slightly, getting the Land Raider filled with terminators and my captain closer to the Berzerkers. I kill the rest of the Havoc squad in the back. His Havocs stop doing stuff for the rest of the game, I know I killed one more though.

Justin's Turn 3:
He moves his Daemon Prince into the ruin hiding him completely. His Berzerkers drive closer and the Rhino pops smoke. His other Berzerkers come on next to the Raptors and their Rhino pops smoke.The Raptors fly out of the woods and lose 2 or 3 guys. The two with meltaguns fire on the rhino wrecking it. My marines hop out on the opposite side to prevent being assaulted.

Mike's Turn 4:
My Vindicator arrives and I drive it on opposite the Berzerkers. It fires but misses. My tactical marines can finally fire at something in range. The multi-melta misses the rhino through the smoke. The plasma cannon kills 3 Raptors. I pop smoke on my rhino and fail to repair it. My Land Raider Moves to park on the objective near it. The Terminators hop out and assault the Raptors killing them all and the Captain takes a wound. The marines from the wrecked rhino hop inside the Land Raider.

Justin's Turn 4:
His prince moves closer to me but takes a wound as he trips leaving the ruin. His Berzerkers drive into the tall ruin and control the objective. His other guys drive away from the Terminators while the Prince lashes them back 3 whole inches.

Mike's Turn 5:
My Predator fires on the Daemon Prince taking away his last two wounds. My Land Raider blows up the Rhino in my area killing 1 Berzerkers in the blast. It also destroys the weapon on the other chaos Rhino. My Vindicator scatters failing to get any of them. My tactical squads open up killing another 2 Berzerkers. I drive my last Rhino to an objective.

Justin's Turn 5:
He drives the Berzerkers in the rhino to the objective near his corner. His other squad sits there because we're told we have to pack up now because it's 8:45.

Game Ends due to time restriction.
Score: 2-2, tie game.

It was a really fun game and even though it was a tie game I consider it a moral victory because I still had a lot of fire power and because I wrote this.

Lessons learned that game:
1.  Lash of Submission sounds powerful but is only slightly annoying if you are inside tanks.
2.  I may start taking a regular dreadnaught instead of an ironclad because it'll save me 30 points and I really only use it to kill a tank first turn before dieing.
3.  Large squads of Khorne Berzerkers are scary because you have to kill 10 guys.
4.  We need to start playing before 5:30 if we want to finish a game.
5.  Speaking of time, I really should have charged the guys who were inside the ruin with everything to contest it. Normally I play as though the game will end turn 6 so I didn't.
6.  I had a video of the table set up but it won't load, not sure why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time to Update you Blog! - Cathy