Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mike vs Scott vs Ian

Mike here.
So me, Scott, and Ian played the 3 player scenario in the BRB on page 272, Broken Alliance. It was really fun and I recommend it to anyone. Because of the hectic way we did it this battle report will be slapped together. Also, we only played until turn 3 due to time restrictions.

Points: 1000
Players: Imperial Guard (Mike, green), Imperial Guard (Ian, tan), Space Marines (Scott)
Scenario: Broken Alliance
Army Lists:

Company Command Squad w/powerfist, flamer, 2 meltaguns, bodyguard
2x Veteran Squads w/3 meltaguns
Veteran Squad w/3 plasma guns, lascannon
Scout Sentinel w/lascannon
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad w/grenade launcher, lascannon
2x Infantry Squads w/flamer
Special Weapons Squad w/3 flamers
2x Heavy Weapons Squads w/2 lascannons, missile launcher

Company Command Squad w/Straken, regimental standard, 2 bodyguards
2x penal legion squads
2x vendettas
Infantry Platoon
Platoon command squad w/4 flamers
3x Infantry squads w/meltagun

Pedro Kantor
2x 10 man Tactical squads w/flamer, heavy bolter in rhinos
10 man Sternguard squad w/3 combi-flamers in a drop pod

We set up with me at one end and those two sharing the other end. I was pretty pleased with how many guardsmen I had and how nice my firing lanes looked. Scott was squished in a corner and Ian had a rather nice sized base himself filled with guard and the Manticore at the back.

Mike's Turn 1:
I manage to get all but 2 units working that turn. I moved a few squads forward. I flamed Ian's command squad with my own killing 3 guys. I meltagunned down Pedro Kantor with a vet squad. I destroyed the Vindicator's cannon and stunned it. I wrecked one of Ian's vendettas with a penal legion squad inside who became pinned. So I was feeling pretty good with myself.
Ian's Turn 1:
Most of his stuff is caught by surprise and can't do anything. His Manticore does a number on a bunch of my guard, I go to ground knowing that Scott and Ian get two turns to shoot at me freely. Ian shoots at my command squad with what he can killing one.
Scott's Turn 1:
All of his stuff except the drop pod of Sternguard fails to react first turn but it's enough to cause me some pain. He drops down right in front of me and rips through both my infantry squads killing all but the flamer and sergeant in both.
Scott's Turn 2:
He gets to go first this game turn. He drives his rhinos closer to me popping smoke. His heavy bolters target my command squad killing nobody. His Sternguard kill a vet squad down to the sarge and 3 meltaguns and another vet squad down to 1 meltagun and the sarge. I miraculously have passed 6 morale checks at this point.
Ian's Turn 2:
He drops off one squad of penal legion who proceed to destroy my command squad. His vendetta goes back for more guys. His other penal legion moves forward and fires into my infantry squad killing one. His Manticore fires on my special weapon squad killing two.

Mike's Turn 2:
I use the special weapons squad to throw 3 flamer templates on the 5 Sternguard next to them killing 4. A meltagun finishes the last guy off. The 3 meltagun squad explodes the drop pod killing the special weapons squad down to a man. The sentinel immobilizes Ian's vendetta even after he just loaded up with guys. I kill 3 Sternguard from the other squad. I stun one of Scott's rhinos that's closest to the middle.
Ian's Turn 3:
He moves his command squad and kills off the sarge of an infantry squad. His penal legions finish off the Sternguard and the sarge of the other infantry squad. His manticore then fires and misses Scott's Vindicator. The flamer fails his Ld check and runs 3 inches. Now he has 2 infantry squads making their way to the middle.

Mike's Turn 3:
I kill a bunch of penal legion but they don't run. I run but I'm 2 mm short. I have so few guys left and I only get Ian's command squad down to Straken.

Scott's Turn 3:
This is our last turn since GW is closing soon so he fires everything into Ian's penal legion on the middle objective killing the last 3. Then he hops out of the rhino, moves and runs 5". He was less than an inch short.
The game ends.
Score: 1 objective each.
Each of us securely held our own base and the middle was vacant.
Lessons learned that game:
1. Guard go down really quickly to flamers and Sternguard. Especially when the Sternguard get 2 rounds of shooting in a row.
2. 1000 points feels pretty good for a 3 player game but I might try 1200 next time.
3. A guard player should keep their carrying tray out to put away the guardsmen as they die.

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