Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mike's Lazy Battle Report: Chaos Marines vs Space Marines

Justin won.
I went first. All my rhinos are more finished and have 10 man tacticals with powerfist, 2 melta guns in each. All Justin's rhinos are holey and have 5 plague marines with melta gun and flamer.

This is after my first turn move.

Justin's first shooting phase he killed half my assault squad with 3 direct hits with plasma cannons.

This is sometime later, probably 2nd turn or 3rd.

Justin's view.


Epic fail by plague marines to harm my rhino.

Heavy flamer goodness from a terminator, the shooting phase leaves me with two marines, one armed with a powerfist, the other with a meltagun, which go on to kill the last two oblits.

What's left after the shooting.

The sergeant survives the oblits and stares down a squad of termies and some powerful sorcerer.

Bad mistake as he is turned into a chaos spawn.

Things look bad for my 10 man squad.

This squad just escapes the battle cannon.

Those termies just kept going onto the next squad.

Stupid rhinos being able to contest objectives.

They even made it over to these two squads i had together.

This dumbass won. I hate him so much. I wish cancer upon him.

There was no celebrating for the emperor's servants that night.


J-Hirt said...

note the terminator conga line in the 5th last picture...they pretty much conga'd all across the map killing every thing in their war path (or as i call it the "fiesta of death") ARIBA!

scott_smu said...

where'd the purple marine come from mike?

Mike said...

The purple marine is my possible paint scheme.

scott_smu said...

I think it looks pretty cool, and its not a common scheme so you won't be unoriginal.

Ott_Ian said...

I remember the Purple Marine. It was when Mike, Brad and I all went for a Painting Tutorial, and Mike went for the free space marine.

And then he went on to paint him Purple, it made Ian look like he wanted to kill him. I laughed.