Wednesday, August 13, 2008

marines vs tau, 500pts

pat and I had another game today, 500pts on my living room floor.

my army
-chaplain (represented by inquisitor cuz the chaplain I have wouldn't stand up on carpet)
-10 tactical marines
-10 scout marines w bolt pistols/chainswords
-dreadnaught w assault cannon and missile launcher

pat's army
-crisis suit commander
-6 fire warriors w rifles
-6 fire warriors w 5 carbines
-hammerhead w rail gun and burst cannons

mission type was capture and control I think (the one where each player gets to place 1 objective in thier deployment zone), and the map layout was quarters. we had an AV13 building (frontal and rear entry points, 3 firing points on each side, plus the doors, and 2 extra on the rear) near the middle, partly in my deployment zone, a large lake in pat's deployment zone, a river of lava running through the other quarter on my side of the table, and a fallen statue in the 4th quarter (blocks line of sight) . pat got 1st turn. he put his objective near the table edge of his deployment zone, I put mine near the middle of my edge, behind the lava.

pats turn 1
-suit, 1 squad of fire warriors and the fishey advance. hammerhead shoots at building and fails, suit shoots at my dreadnaught shaking it.

my turn 1
-chaplain, dred and scouts advance around the building. marines (who deployed in the building) shoot at the fire warriors that advanced, killing 2/6, they don't run.

pat's turn 2
-weakened fire warrior squad falls back to his objective, the other squad advances. hammerhead speeds ahead 11", shoots at the dred. pat, the lil spawn of satan he is, rolls 6,6,6 to make my dred go kaboom, but it doesn't hurt anything in the explosion. suit commander shoots at my chaplain, he saves everything.

my turn 2
-scouts, scared of the AP4 template of death the hammerhead is carrying, retreat halfway back to my objective. marines shoot at fire warriors that advanced, kill nothing. chaplain moves toward and shoots at crisis suit, doing nothing with his pistol, and ends up short of assault range.

pat's turn 3
-fire warriors reach their objective. suit jump-shoot-jumps away from the chaplain, doing a wound with his plasma rifle. hammerhead shoots at building again, making it go boom. marines get out and pass their pinning test, but take a casualty from the fire warriors, passing another pinning test from their carbines.

my turn 3
-scouts reach objective, marines assault the hammerhead, which didn't move in the turn before, so they get 3 glances, destroying the rail gun and stunning the crew. chaplain advances on the suit again, still out of assault range.

pat's turn 4
-fire warriors with carbines shoot at marines again, kill 2, but the marines aren't pinned. suit JSJ's again, doing another wound to the chaplain.

my turn 4
-marines assault fire warriors, kill 3, but the fire warriors get near-epic courage and hold. chaplain still trys to assault the crisis suit in vain.

pat's turn 5
-marines kill another fire warrior, they hold again. hammerhead tries to shoot at scouts with burst cannons but is out of range. crisis suit finally puts the chaplain out of his misery.

my turn 5
-marines finally kill off the fire warriors

pat's turn 6
-hammerhead, fire warriors with rifles, and crisis suit all shoot at the marine squad, cut them down to 3. marines hold.

my turn 6
-marines advance and rapid fire into the crisis suit, do nothing (damn 2+ save)

pat's turn 7
-everything shoots at marines again, kill 2, leaving the sarge.

my turn 7
-sarge assaults crisis suit (hoping to do just 1 wound to get 1/2 VP's) but neither combattant does any damage.

end results
-we tied on objectives, I got about 150VP's while pat got about 250-300, so a minor victory for him.

scott's thoughts
-taking the dred was a huge mistake, I should have been able to predict he'd take the hammerhead. it did act as a nice distraction, drawing fire to keep my scoring scouts unscathed, but in a 500pt game you can't really afford a sacrifical lamb like that.

-cutting out hvy weapons for the dred was a big mistake also, even on a 4x4 board, having half your units with 12" range, the other half with 24" is a big disadvantage.

-hoping to kill the the crisis suit commander in CC didn't turn out too well either (in retrospect I should have ran instead of shooting at it with the pistol, might have turned out better with some good rolls). again, that's what hvy weapons are for, cutting out its 2+ save and hoping for an insta-kill.

-in theory, pat shouldn't have taken his list how he did (paying 350 points for just the suit and hammerhead seems kinda extreme to me for 500pts). I mean, it worked really well for him this game, they both killed a lot of stuff, but agaisnt a different list/army I don't think he'd fare as well.


Mike said...

I just hate you both for playing on carpet of all things. It was probably shag too knowing you Scott.

Pat said...

my army could stand on the carpet and all of scotts could except his HQ so i dont see whats so bad about carpet we also have had all our other games at my house on my laminate hardwood floor so carpet felt really nice while being on our knees moveing stuff

Ott_Ian said...

Actually Scott, For Tau, a list like that isn't really far off the mark. Especially for Marines.

The Hammerhead was likely a bit extravagant, but the souped up Commander is usually worth his weight in gold so long as you don't exclusively take Anti-Tank heavy weapons, and can usually shrug off lesser fire.

I had a game against Tau on Monday, it was tied, but I didn't feel like writing a Battle Report for it.

And yes, you should have taken Moar marines rather than a Dreadnought.

Ott_Ian said...

Don't worry Pat. Mike just hates the fact that people can play Warhammer outside of the GW store.

scott_smu said...

the main reason I took the dred is that, since a 10 man tactical squad is 150pts, they don't fit well in 500pts, so 2 tactical squads, a 100pt dred and 100pt commander fits (I only took the scouts cuz they were a lil more than 100 each)

and I dunno Ianly, to me taking a model that's 190pts in 500pts seems like a bad idea to me, it worked out for him in this game, but a single 40pt lascannon marine could have killed him with minimal effort.

and mike, playing on carpet was our only choice, I didn't particularly like it either, but there isn't a 4x4 section of not-carpeted flooring in my house we could have used.