Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Words of Destruction

Hey guys,
SO I have been thinking it over and have apted to make my own color scheme for my chaos marines. I want the army to be mine and only mine haha. This is just an idea of what I want them to be like. They will be called the "Words of Destruction" as I think this is a very cool name and makes them all biblical sounding. I found a slogan which I tweaked to make sense and sound cooler. Their slogan/introduction will be "These are the Words of Destruction, born of the red sands of Tallarn, poison unto themselves, set to prosper by the winds of time and torment." I like it anyways. THIS website gives a little history of Tallarn. It would make sense (I think) for this army to be a broken off part of the Iron Warriors. I would like to make a back story but would ask you guys for help :) ALso I made this which shows how I want them to look.

I wanted a bright color that made them look cool with contrasting dark colors.
ALso on their shoulders will be their insignia which I found online as a symbol of destruction.

It works out very well because the symbol also is a "W" obviously for "Words of Destruction". The only difference is that the symbol will be black so that it will fit well with the rest of the color scheme and stand out on their gold shoulder pads.

Lastly I just got my magnets in the mail so I will start building the rest of my army immediately. PLease let me know what you guys think. I like it alot and hope you do too but I want my army to be super cool so give me some CONSTRUCTIVE critizism (*cough* mike *cough*). I put in alot of time to make sure this would make sense and also look wicked. You guys are to make sure it paid off haha.

Peace out, Miss ya all.
- Bringing Sexy Back


scott_smu said...

not gonna lie, looking pretty bad ass. the only prob I see is that symbol, if its not on the transfer sheet, it looks like it'd be a bitch to paint free hand

Mike said...

I think I'm badass and that the insignia could be made easily.

Ott_Ian said...

It does look pretty good. But clearly you were awed by my Painting Scheme for my Imperial Guardsmen and had to make a Chaos Equivalent.

Its alright, there is no shame in humbling yourself before the Hammer of the Emperor, I'm flattered is all.

In all seriousness though, they do look really awesome. And its nice to see you putting some thought into backstory. Should be interesting once you get them painted, since you know you'll be doing it before me, because you know, you like Painting

scott_smu said...

Ianly, how do they look like your guys, that armour is gold. or it at least looks gold to me. and now I can't wait till sept, when your hammer is humbling itself before the might of the Great Devourer.