Monday, July 7, 2008

Mike's Painting Progress

In painting news my army is slowly becoming painted.

My two other Monoliths have been slowly gaining a red to them.
My warriors have been getting blood red, gold, and green on them. I also have a few completely done. It takes a while to cover up all the mistakes/paint brush mishaps.

That's all that's new but that's a lot of warriors.


scott_smu said...

well, at least ya slowed down, now the rest of us can catch up.

Ott_Ian said...

Bluh. I don't think I'll ever catch up. It is as I feared, I bought the stuff, built it and play it, having a good time at each step, but I absolutely loathe painting.

I can pretty much find any excuse not to paint. I may have to wait for everyone to be finished painting their armies who then paint my guys for charity :P

scott_smu said...

I dunno man, after I got that tactical squad done, they look so good, compared to grey or black models that it makes me wanna keep painting more ya know? even though I don't have time. I think your inspiration will be getting a tank done, once you have a kick ass tank you'll be like "hell yeahz I wanna make the rest of em match"

Mike said...

Scott's guys look amazing. I'm actually really jealous. If he had more than 10 done let alone painted at all it would be more impressive.