Monday, July 7, 2008

Justins Army/Terrain Progress

Hey guys,
So I have been slowly choppin away at putting my army together and priming it. The most progress I ave made is definately with my terrain as I am ordering magnets for my guys arms so they are on hold for now. I have 8 pieces of terrain in the works:
- Building
- Hill with altar/artifact
- 3 razor wires (all done)
- Park area with fountain
- Chaos Sacrificial Altar
- Fortification

Because I know u all love pics here are some of everything of mine.

So yeah, there it all is, I especially like my building and razor wires. Next things I build are goin to be 3 more buildings and a few tank traps so that I will have a solid amount for city fights and also a diverse amount of terrain. Who needs GW when u have me eh? haha, atleast when there is tournies at gw we can still play :)
Later guys.
PS: Come this weekend!!


scott_smu said...

I gotta be honest with ya, the terrain looks a lot better than I expected it too. I think I'm still gonna play at GW though, they have terrain AND tables :p I played a couple games with pat on his floor this weekend, and its definatly not as fun if you ask me, not to mention more effort. ya know, you could always bring your terrain to GW, I don't think they'd complain about us using it.

Ott_Ian said...

I agree with Scott's comment about bringing the stuff to GW. Although we could always have small games on your table at your house, since its easily 6x4" as long as you cleared all the stuff off of it.

Or took some boxes and cardboard and stuff, or something.

I dunno.