Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Imperial Guard vs. Tau Empire 1000 Point Match

Taking a page from Mike’s organization style and trying to weave in my story elements

Ian’s Army

HQ Squad: Heroic Senior Officer with Iron Leadership

Attached Anti-Tank Squad (Lascannons with Sharpshooters)

Platoon 1:

Command: Missile Launcher, JO with Iron Leadership

Squad 1: Heavy Bolter, Grenade Launcher

Squad 2: Same

Squad 3: Same

Platoon 2:

Command: Missile Launcher, JO with Iron Leadership

Squad 4: Flamer, No Heavy

Squad 5: Plasma, No Heavy

Squad 6: Plasma, No Heavy

2 Basilisks with Indirect Fire

Geoff’s Army

HQ Crisis Suit 1 (Twin Linked Flamer)

HQ Crisis Suit 2 (Twin linked Missile pods)

9 Firewarriors

12 Firewarriors

1 Hammerhead

1 Devilfish

Crisis team 1 (Two Crisis suits, one with Plasma/Missile, one with twin-linked fusion blasters)

Crisis team 2 (Two Crisis suits, both with Missile Pods)

Crisis team 3 (One Crisis suit, Burst Cannon)

Map: 4x4 Desert setting, with a large size three hill in the left bottom corner, and some ruins in the bottom right. Two other ruins blocked off the top right and a final set of ruins sat in the top left. There was a pond in the middle, and a wooden shack (We were using destroyable building 5th edition rules for fun) beside it. There were barricades beside the hill running up the center to the hut, as well as beside to pond to one of the two ruins on the top right.

For all intents and purposes, this game was played using 4th edition rules. I deployed on the “Bottom” of the table

Scenario: Take and Hold

Planet Grantus IV: A relatively unknown Imperial World, noted only for its proximity to the rebellious planet of Moracre (Later quelled and placed under permanent imperial garrison) as well as its Promethium Refining operations. It does provide a significant portion of refined promethium to the region and is therefore classified as a moderate strategic asset. When Moracre rebelled and threatened the operations, the Administorium stationed more Imperial Guard regiments there and continued operation. However, it has recently been the target of hit and run attacks originating from the Tau Empire. The Brimlock Dragoons were assigned the duty of reinforcing the garrison force.

The Game


Commander Locktye surveyed the windswept terrain of Grantus IV, a blistering hot moon of Moracre on the far side of the Tau Empire. Recently, Tau hit and run attacks had taken a toll on the Refining capacity of the planet, and since most of the Brimlock Dragoons were supplied with Grantus Promethium, they were assigned the duty of making sure these attacks stopped.

It had been relatively easy guarding the Refineries as the Tau had been quiet of late, however, earlier that morning a lighting attack had damaged the Southern Refinery complex. To make matters worth, the attackers had left a series of charges around critical areas but did not detonate them. The demolition crew was forced to flee in a Piranha after the attack was detected. The worthless Tau vessel was easily shot down by persuing Valkyries and was left stranded. Commander Locktye was tasked with capturing or killing the crew and recovering the detonator. The crew had taken refuge in an abandoned Imperial refueling station near an Oasis.

Locktye directed his forces to deploy across the front. He directed one Basilisk to the left corner of the engagement zone, where it was safe behind some rubble from assault. Squad 1 (S1) was deployed beside the Basilisk but further up. Squad 2 (S2) was deployed on the hill, Squad 3 (S3) was deployed in the ruins on the bottom right, so they could bring their heavy weapons to bear. Squad 4 (S4) was deployed near the barricade. Squad 5 (S5) was deployed beside Squad 4, as was Squad 6 (S6). The last Basilisk was deployed behind Squad 4. Locktye ordered his Lascannons to the hills where they would have a sweeping view of the battlefield, while he himself settled in behind the hills.

The Tau Commander chose to hide his Hammerhead (Fearing the Imperial guns no doubt) behind the two ruins on the top right. He also ordered Firewarrior Squad 1 (FS1) in front of a sand dune on the top right side of the board as far ahead as they could go, but cowered his Firewarrior Squad 2 (FS2) behind the ruins on the top left. He deployed the Devilfish down the center, as to gain good footing on the battlefield He held all other forces in reserve, intending for his ‘suits to ambush the Guard attack.

Ian Turn One

Locktye had the initiative this day, while the Tau forces were still mustering he ordered S1, S4, S5 and S6 forward towards the objective. However, S1 and S4 got caught up in terrain that required extra precaution going through. The Anti-tank squad was able to target the Hammerhead through a tiny opening with their skilled eyes, although they would not be able to make very precise shots. It did not matter, they managed to blow off the Railgun turret as well as stun the crew in one volley. The Basilisks were ordered to fire at the two Firewarriors squads, killing 4 in FS1, although the shot aimed at FS2 scattered off. S3 fired at the FS1 ineffectively; S2 had no targets to fire at. FS1’s commitment to the battle broke and they scampered over the sand dune.

Casualties: Hammerhead (Railgun Destroyed, Stunned), 4 Firewarriors

Geoff Turn One

Dismayed at the state of his Hammerhead, the Tau Commander moved FS2 into the ruins and was able to bring FS1 back under control. The Devilfish moved up and fired its burst cannon at S2, inflicting one casualty. The deployed Gun Drones killed another Guardsman in S2. The hearty Guardsmen were not fazed by the loss.

Casualties: 2 Guardsmen

Ian Turn Two

Locktye ordered S1, 4, 5 and 6 to continue pushing towards the objective, this time none of the squads were encumbered by the terrain and made good progress. By now, S1 was around the front of the hill, S4 had cleared the barricades in the center, S5 was on the barricade and S6 was pushing up behind S5. S2 attempted to shoot at the Devilfish to little effect, as the Sergeant in his fervent state did not realize that Heavy Bolter rounds did not pierce even the Devilfishes weak front armour plating. The Lascannons however made short work of the ‘Fish, destroying it in a single volley. S3 fired at the regrouped Firewarriors inflicting two casualties and causing them to retreat again. Locktye then moved himself on up to the hill and ordered the two platoon commanders (Deployed to the bottom right) up to support the infantry as well.

Casulties: Devilish (Destroyed), 2 Firewarriors, 1 Crisis suit (Failed Deepstrike)

Geoff Turn Two

The Tau commander grinned as his orbital sensors chirped; he looked to the sky to see the two Crisis suit squads come down, but frowned when he did not see them accompanied by either of the two crisis suit commanders. Unfortunately, the grin did not last, Crisis suit squad 3 did not land in the designated landing zone and ended up being unable to reach the battlezone. Crisis suit squad 1 scattered 12” from their landing zone and ended up behind FS1. Crisis suit squad 2 landed dead on near the objective. CS3 did not have anything to shoot at since they couldn’t move, but CS2 fired a volley of missiles at the Anti-Tank Squad, killing two of the teams but leaving one unscathed. The Hammerhead, its crew no longer shaken, moved up in front of FS2 to draw fire. FS1 fired at S1 and inflicted 4 Casualties. All Guardsmen stood firm.

Casualties: 4 Guardsmen, 2 Lascannon bases

Ian Turn Three

Locktye captured the objective with S4, with S5 and 6 following close behind. S2 fired at the Crisis suits, inflicting no casualties, S3 fired at the retreating FS1. Basilisk one direct fired at CS2, killing both. Basilisk two fired at the CS3 but it scattered on to FS2, killing 6 Firewarriors and one Crisis causing both to retreat. The two command squads fired their Rockets at the Hammerhead ineffectively.

Casualties: 6 Firewarriors, Three Crisis suits

Geoff Turn Three

The Tau commander was relieved when the two Command Suits jetted in, as he was faced with a collapsing front. However, the sight of the Command Suits rallied the army. The Flamer Suit (HQ1) landed behind S5 and 6 and the Missile Suit (HQ2) landed by Basilisk 1. HQ1 roasted Squad 5 and part of Squad 6 in one volley, destroying Squad 5 utterly, and killing 4 S6 Guardsmen. The Missile Suit fired at the Basilisk but only managed to shake the crew.

Casualties: 14 Guardsmen

Sorry Guys, this is as far as I can remember of the combat, I should start taking notes or something.

Suffice to say, I lost all my squads except bits of S4 and S6, the Two Basilisks survived surprisingly, as well as the two Command Squads, although my HQ Squad died. Geoff had his Flamer Command Suit and his Missile Command Suit survived, as well as his hammerhead. The result was a draw. Overall it was a really fun game.


Mike said...

I'll post a comment just so Ian feels special.

Mike said...

Wow, look at all the comments your battle report is drawing.

Mike said...

I quite enjoyed the report and have decided to use/alter the way you labeled your units. I'm going to list the abbreviation as part of the army list when starting.

Criticism: You don't need the space between your units. It makes it too spread out and look weird.

How can a flamer kill a whole unit in one volley? He still has to would on a 3+. Surely 2-4 would remain.

Pat said...

so yea im really slow at reading up on this stuff but i should try to be quicker because i could learn stuff from what geoff is doing good match ian and it was a good read