Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mike vs Justin, 1500 points, SM vs CSM

Players: Space Marines (Mike) vs Chaos Space Marines (Justin)
Points: 1500
Scenario: Secure Ground (4 objectives)
Deployment: Spearhead

Space Marines:
Space Marine Captain w/power fist
10 man Tactical Squad w/meltagun, plasma cannon, Rhino
10 man Tactical Squad w/meltagun, multi-melta, Rhino
5 Assault Terminators w/4 SSTH, 1 LC
Land Raider
Ironclad Dreadnaught w/Drop Pod
Predator w/twin-linked lascannon, lascannon sponsons

Chaos Space Marines:
Daemon Prince w/mark of slaneesh, lash of submission, wings
Defiler w/havoc launcher
10 Raptors w/champion, power fist, icon of Nurgle, 2 meltaguns
10 Khorne Berzerkers w/champion, power fist, Rhino
10 Khorne Berzerkers w/champion, power fist, Rhino
5 Havocs w/lascannon, missile launcher, autocannon, heavy bolter
5 Havocs w/lascannon, missile launcher, heavy bolter

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mike vs Scott vs Ian

Mike here.
So me, Scott, and Ian played the 3 player scenario in the BRB on page 272, Broken Alliance. It was really fun and I recommend it to anyone. Because of the hectic way we did it this battle report will be slapped together. Also, we only played until turn 3 due to time restrictions.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mike vs Ian (rematch)

So after losing so miserably to Ian with Necrons last time I had to give my them a chance to redeem themselves. We both used slightly modified lists of what we took last time.

Scott vs Ian in Planetstrike Pics only

These are just some pictures from their battle because I wasn't there to watch it for more than 2 turns. It was highly entertaining seeing the MAX amount of crisis suits jumping onto the board. Ian took 3 bastions so he took the krak attack, mine field, and laswire maze which was hilarious because Scott had to pass so many dangerous terrain checks.

Mike and Ian play Planetstrike

Space Wolves (Mike, Defender) vs Imperial Guard (Ian, Attacker)
Points: 1500
Scenario: Planetstrike Scenario 1