Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mike's tank collection-pics

So now I have 12 rhino frames. One is unbuilt and I need to sell it for 35 dollars. Three are capable of becoming 1 whirlwind and 2 vindicators whenever. One is capable of becoming a razorback. Here they are.

My workspace.

One of 4 done that day.

The original group I had for months.


becomes this.

This is a sequence of modeling.

The finished product.

This is what nine rhinos looks like.

I also have a basilisk mostly done and need to start work on my Baneblade.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mike's Lazy Battle Report: Chaos Marines vs Space Marines

Justin won.
I went first. All my rhinos are more finished and have 10 man tacticals with powerfist, 2 melta guns in each. All Justin's rhinos are holey and have 5 plague marines with melta gun and flamer.

This is after my first turn move.

Justin's first shooting phase he killed half my assault squad with 3 direct hits with plasma cannons.

This is sometime later, probably 2nd turn or 3rd.

Justin's view.


Epic fail by plague marines to harm my rhino.

Heavy flamer goodness from a terminator, the shooting phase leaves me with two marines, one armed with a powerfist, the other with a meltagun, which go on to kill the last two oblits.

What's left after the shooting.

The sergeant survives the oblits and stares down a squad of termies and some powerful sorcerer.

Bad mistake as he is turned into a chaos spawn.

Things look bad for my 10 man squad.

This squad just escapes the battle cannon.

Those termies just kept going onto the next squad.

Stupid rhinos being able to contest objectives.

They even made it over to these two squads i had together.

This dumbass won. I hate him so much. I wish cancer upon him.

There was no celebrating for the emperor's servants that night.

More pics

Battle Report

Well at long last I am posting the battle report from john's and my game from a couple weeks ago. It was a 750pt game of Marines vs Guard. Here are some pics.

Turn 1
John went first which essentially let him survive. Had I gone first I feel comfortable that I would have obliterated his tanks with my 4 lascannons.
So on John's first turn he killed my sargeant and 3 lascannons from my desestator squad and that was it. For me I destroyed a battlecannon off of one his leaman russes and 1 guardsmen.

Turn 2
John killed three tactical marines and rolled horribly for the rest of the turn. I killed 17 of his guardsmen with a combination of shooting and flaming the heck out of his men.

Turn 3
This turn I made a critical error adn left one of my tactical squads out in the open and it got obliterated by a leaman russ and I lost the remaining 9 men in a tactical squad. I killed 2 guardsmen and wounded his hq.
Turn 4
John killed nothing of mine and was essentially ready to quit. I killed one of his commisars and that ended a pretty boring turn.

Turn 5
I blew up a few more of his weapons on his leaman russes and he killed nothing.

Turn 6
I killed his hq and he killed nothing.

Overall it was a pretty boring game but it was a good learning experience for john and a good one for me as it actually allowed me to learn the rules for myself and not use everyone else as a rules crutch. I couldnt find in the rulebook the levels of victory but anyway it was mainly an intro for john. See everyone on Saturday.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

hey, a hat trick. oh, and pics too

hey guys, got the tyrant done (sans painting of course), just thought you might like to get a lil glimpse of what'll be mowing through your infantry this year like, well, like a lawnmower I guess. a really high horsepower lawnmower too, thanks to the wings and all. sorry about the quality, as usual its pretty bad. someone should really buy me a nice camera.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

marines vs tau, 500pts

pat and I had another game today, 500pts on my living room floor.

my army
-chaplain (represented by inquisitor cuz the chaplain I have wouldn't stand up on carpet)
-10 tactical marines
-10 scout marines w bolt pistols/chainswords
-dreadnaught w assault cannon and missile launcher

pat's army
-crisis suit commander
-6 fire warriors w rifles
-6 fire warriors w 5 carbines
-hammerhead w rail gun and burst cannons

mission type was capture and control I think (the one where each player gets to place 1 objective in thier deployment zone), and the map layout was quarters. we had an AV13 building (frontal and rear entry points, 3 firing points on each side, plus the doors, and 2 extra on the rear) near the middle, partly in my deployment zone, a large lake in pat's deployment zone, a river of lava running through the other quarter on my side of the table, and a fallen statue in the 4th quarter (blocks line of sight) . pat got 1st turn. he put his objective near the table edge of his deployment zone, I put mine near the middle of my edge, behind the lava.

pats turn 1
-suit, 1 squad of fire warriors and the fishey advance. hammerhead shoots at building and fails, suit shoots at my dreadnaught shaking it.

my turn 1
-chaplain, dred and scouts advance around the building. marines (who deployed in the building) shoot at the fire warriors that advanced, killing 2/6, they don't run.

pat's turn 2
-weakened fire warrior squad falls back to his objective, the other squad advances. hammerhead speeds ahead 11", shoots at the dred. pat, the lil spawn of satan he is, rolls 6,6,6 to make my dred go kaboom, but it doesn't hurt anything in the explosion. suit commander shoots at my chaplain, he saves everything.

my turn 2
-scouts, scared of the AP4 template of death the hammerhead is carrying, retreat halfway back to my objective. marines shoot at fire warriors that advanced, kill nothing. chaplain moves toward and shoots at crisis suit, doing nothing with his pistol, and ends up short of assault range.

pat's turn 3
-fire warriors reach their objective. suit jump-shoot-jumps away from the chaplain, doing a wound with his plasma rifle. hammerhead shoots at building again, making it go boom. marines get out and pass their pinning test, but take a casualty from the fire warriors, passing another pinning test from their carbines.

my turn 3
-scouts reach objective, marines assault the hammerhead, which didn't move in the turn before, so they get 3 glances, destroying the rail gun and stunning the crew. chaplain advances on the suit again, still out of assault range.

pat's turn 4
-fire warriors with carbines shoot at marines again, kill 2, but the marines aren't pinned. suit JSJ's again, doing another wound to the chaplain.

my turn 4
-marines assault fire warriors, kill 3, but the fire warriors get near-epic courage and hold. chaplain still trys to assault the crisis suit in vain.

pat's turn 5
-marines kill another fire warrior, they hold again. hammerhead tries to shoot at scouts with burst cannons but is out of range. crisis suit finally puts the chaplain out of his misery.

my turn 5
-marines finally kill off the fire warriors

pat's turn 6
-hammerhead, fire warriors with rifles, and crisis suit all shoot at the marine squad, cut them down to 3. marines hold.

my turn 6
-marines advance and rapid fire into the crisis suit, do nothing (damn 2+ save)

pat's turn 7
-everything shoots at marines again, kill 2, leaving the sarge.

my turn 7
-sarge assaults crisis suit (hoping to do just 1 wound to get 1/2 VP's) but neither combattant does any damage.

end results
-we tied on objectives, I got about 150VP's while pat got about 250-300, so a minor victory for him.

scott's thoughts
-taking the dred was a huge mistake, I should have been able to predict he'd take the hammerhead. it did act as a nice distraction, drawing fire to keep my scoring scouts unscathed, but in a 500pt game you can't really afford a sacrifical lamb like that.

-cutting out hvy weapons for the dred was a big mistake also, even on a 4x4 board, having half your units with 12" range, the other half with 24" is a big disadvantage.

-hoping to kill the the crisis suit commander in CC didn't turn out too well either (in retrospect I should have ran instead of shooting at it with the pistol, might have turned out better with some good rolls). again, that's what hvy weapons are for, cutting out its 2+ save and hoping for an insta-kill.

-in theory, pat shouldn't have taken his list how he did (paying 350 points for just the suit and hammerhead seems kinda extreme to me for 500pts). I mean, it worked really well for him this game, they both killed a lot of stuff, but agaisnt a different list/army I don't think he'd fare as well.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My tank

ok so im sorry for taking so long for pics to get up bet here they are my cam sucks im sorry for the quality of the pics.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

space marines

hello again

It had occurred to me that i went a little crazy and bought out the local store of imperial guard. i have that army assembled now, and realize that the onlyt person i can play against right now is brad. i think right now i out number him in points right now. so i decided to diversify, and bought out the local store of another army. i took my free time and built a space marine army.

this is what i have :
2x Grey Knight Space Marine Squad
1x Grey Knight Space Marine Terminator Squad
1x Brother-Captain Sternn
1x Inquisitor

1x Force Commander
1x Space Marine Apothocary
1x Space Marine Terminator Squad
1x Space Marine Assault Squad
2x Space Marine Tactical Squad
1x Space Marine Combat Squad
1x Space Marine Scout Squad
3x Space Marine Chaplains
2x Space Marine Librarians
1x Chief Librarian Tigurus

1x Dreadnaught
1x Rhino APC

what ya think?


Hey Boys


this my back story for my army.


The primary mission of the 177th is to annihalate any threats to the Impirum of Man whenever it encounters it. The regiment was created to fight aggresively on its own with a minimum hope of reinforcements. The man put in charge of this unit is one of the hardest men in the Imperial Guard. Colonel-Commandant Vickers has been a Guardsmen since he was conscripted when he was 17. He is 70 now and through all the atrocities he has seen in service to the Emeror, he has been given command of this "green" unit to make it one of the most formidable and feared units ever assembled.

Under his command are:
33rd Emperors Dragoons
107th Field Battery
45th Infantry Company

Together under Vickers command theese units comprise the 177th.

33rd Emperors Dragoons

1x Leman Russ Demolisher Assault Tank
3x Leman Russ Main Battle Tank
1x Hellhammer Super-Heavy Battle Tank

107th Field Battery

3x Basilisk Mobile Artillery
2x Auto-Cannon Teams
1x Las-Cannon Team

45th Infantry Company

1x Chimera Armoured Personnel Carrier
3x Grenade Launchers
8x Flamthrowers
8x Vox-Caster Troops
17x Las-Riflemen
6x Special Weapons Troops
16x Kasrkin Troops

To over see the mission set before them, ensure that the emperors will is being done, the battalion is under the watchful eye of the most feared officers in the Imperium.

5x Commissars

Theese are the forces with which Colonel vickers must use to annihalate any enemy that dare cross his path and harm the Imperium Of Man.

(especially that Brad fella!!)

thanks for reading


Monday, August 4, 2008

you know its not your day when.....

so, pat and I had another game today, 1000pts.

my list
-3 x 8 x genestealers
-1 x broodlord
-2 x 5 x ripper swarms
-2 x lictors
-3 x ravenors w rending claws and scything talons
-2 x zoanthropes w synapse and warp blast

pat's list
-1 x 12 x fire warriors
-1 x 12 x firewarriors, 4 x gun drones, 2 x markerlight drones
-1 x crisis suit commander, 2 x crisis suit bodyguards
-1 x hammerhead
-1 x broadside

we played the one with kill points (I can't spell the mission type off the top of my head), with dawn of war set up. personally, I really dislike dawn of war, as I feel it gives player 1 a huge advantage, as deploying you're whole army first is an awesome when you have half the table and your opponent has to put stuff 18" away, although we didn't use night fighting turn 1 (we didn't notice it in the book until about halfway through pat's turn, and he refused to restart). it didn't help that pat had 2 huge troops and a powerful HQ, compared to any of mine. basically it was a firing line of fire warriors and suits at about the middle of the board, with 2 rail guns on his board edge, and I had my brood lord and rippers half way up my deployment zone, with a line of genstealers and zoanthropes on my edge. the terrain was pretty scattered so I didn't have a good path to his meat either.

pat's turn 1
-crisis suits, fire warriors and rail guns empty into brood lord, killing him, and kills a ripper base

my turn 1
-everything moves up, zoanthropes are out of range

pat's turn 2
-fire warriors kill another ripper base, suits kill 4 genestealers, hammerhead wounds a zoanthrope

my turn 2
-lictors don't come in, ravenors do, but scatter 7" just out of cover. they fleet 6" though, and get to the "safety" of a forest. everything else moves up again, zoanthropes still not in range.

pat's turn 3
-fire warriors and hammerhead kill 3/3 ravenors, other squad of fire warriors finishes off the last 3 rippers, crisis suits kill 3/4 genestealers, broadside shoots at zoanthrope and fails

my turn 3
-lictors come in, one assaults the hammerhead stunning it. the other assaults 12 fire warriors, kills 2, then gets beat down (pat gets 6 attacks back, gets four 6's to hit, then two 6's to wound, then I fail both 5+ saves).

pat's turn 4
-broadside shoots at full strength zoanthrope, deal 1 wound. fire warriors shoot down the majority of a squad of genestealers. crisis suits shoot down remaining lictor. I realize that lictors have feeder tendrils (re-roll to hit), and might have been able to hold a lil better vs the fire warriors.

my turn 4
-everything moves up more. both zoanthropes shoot at his suits, but both shots scatter off the board.

pat's turn 5
-kills off the squad of one genestealer, and reduces the weakened squad to 1 model. finishes off a zoanthrope.

my turn 5
-squad of 1 'stealer assaults 10 fire warriors, kills 1 and doesn't die, they hold. last remaining ripper swarm makes its way around the giant wall on the board, assault the squad of fire warriors with drones, kills 4, takes 2 wounds, warriors hold.

pat's turn 6
-hammerhead shoots at last genestealer squad, kills 2/8. suits shoot at remaining zoanthrope but fail to kill it. fire warriors do lil in CC

my turn 6
-genestealers get in CC with fire warriors, they and rippers kill 4 fire warriors, enough to make them run and get caught. other genestealer is still in CC. game ends.

so, the final result was 5 kill points for pat, 1 for me. a crushing defeat for me, partly due to significant set up/terrain advantage for pat, partly due to poor playing and list making on my part.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New everything

So I lost my last match againt scott really bad I only killed about 600pts and he killed about 1200pts so I'v been thinking my list is really expensive with my new hammerhead i bought it made it my army 1600pts and scott keeps telling me I dont have a lot for 1600 pts. So taking this to mind this time i did some fixing on my army list I managed to bring it down almost 100pts in ten min of looking at my list and codex and im still working on it. I have also found that my full force army doesnt seem to far as well as my 1000pts army for some weird reason and with my new deductions off my army list i was able to give my 1000pts army more equipment to use. So our next game will be 1000pts and we will see how that go's.

Friday, August 1, 2008

'nid VS tau, 1600 pts

pat and I finally got our game in today. I didn't take notes or anything, and you all know how good my memory is, so this isn't gonna be super accurate, and I'm too lazy to do a cool write up like Ianly or mike.

Pat's army
-2 x 12 x fire warriors
-2 x 3 x stealth suits, 5 x gun drones, 1 x markerlight drone
-12 x krootz
-1 x hammerhead w rail gun and burst cannonz
-1 x crisis suit commander, 2 x crisis suit bodyguards
-1 x broadside suit

my army
-1 x 24 x spinegaunts
-4 x 22 x termagaunts
-3 x warriors
-1 x broodlord, 8 x genestealers
-1 x hive tyrant w sword/whip and venomcannon
-1 x carnifex w 4 devourers (two sets of twin-linked)
-9 x spore mines (3 x toxin, 3 x frag, 3 x bio-acid)
-3 x zoanthropes w synapse and warp blast (the marine mini-pie plate and tank killer)

terrain set up
-giant tower (about 6"x6", two feet high maybe?) in direct center
-"walls" surrounding said tower, 6 of em, 4" apart in a circle
-a moderate ammount of terrain around the circle, forests and ruins

I took first turn, pat failed to sieze the initiative. I infiltrated my broodlord on his flank, protected only by a fire warrior sqaud and hammerhead, he infiltrated kroot across from my spinegaunts/carnifex, and both steath teams near the objective

my first turn
-thanks to some epic fleet/run rolls, my guants, broodlord, and MC's ran 10-12" towards his side of the board, the zoanthropes killed 2 gun drones

casualties-2 gun drones, the gaunt I stepped on

pat's first turn
-kroot rapid fire on the 'fex, it loses a wound. fire warriors advance toward the broodlord, rapid fire, then shoot with the hammerhead. he kills 8 genstealers, and takes a wound from the broodlord. stealth suits shoot at gaunts, kill a couple.

casualties-8 stealers, 1 'fex wound, a few gaunts

my turn 2
-one squad of mines come in, but scatter just away from the kroot. the other 2 don't come. 2 squads of gaunts assault the 2 squads of stealth suits, sweep one, the other kills a drone or two, then gets locked in combat. carnifex and spinegaunts shoot at then assault the kroot, killing 8, they run but aren't caught. broodlord assaults a team of fire warriors, killing 4 or 5, then sweeping them. everything else advances.

casualties-12 fire warriors, 8 kroot, stealth team w drones, a couple more drones, some gaunts

pat's turn 2
-crisis suits don't come in. kroot shoot at spine gaunts, kill like 2. fire warriors and hammerhead empty into the broodlord, killing him.

casualties-broodlord, some gaunts, a drone

my turn 3
-remaining spores come in but scatter off the board. 'fex kills the remaining kroot, my spine gaunts are out of synapse range, so the hive tyrant moves in to assist, also shooting at the broadside killing it (yay for S8 weapons). my remaining gaunts, save the sqaud still in combat (who kill nothing) and synapse creatures converge on the objective.

casualties-4 kroot, 6 mines

pat's turn 3
-crisis suits arrive, shoot at zoanthrope (every shot misses or doesnt' wound), and gaunts (kills a few). hammerhead shoots submunition at gaunts, kills about half a squad.

casualties-'bout a dozen gaunts, a stealth suit from CC

my turn 4
-gaunts and MC move to center, zoanthropes shoot at crisis suits, kill 2 bodyguards but the commander makes his saves. hive tyrant and warriors shoot at hammerhead, doing nothing.

casualties-2 crisis suits, another stealth suit

pat's turn 4
-crisis suit, fire warriors, and hammer head shoot at gaunts/warriors, killing a warrior (out of cover) and the other half of the gaunts. last stealth suit dies.

casualties-warrior, another dozen or so gaunts, stealth suit

my turn 5
-zoanthropes shoot "blow a tank up with my mind shot" at crisis suit commander, he fails his invuln save and dies (again, yay for instant death with S10 weapons)


pat's turn 5
-fire warriors kill about half a squad of gaunts with rapid fire, hammerhead finishes off warrior

casualties-another dozen or so gaunts, last warrior

game ends do to random game lenght

units still in play:

-12 x fire warriors
-1 x hammerhead (untouched)

-2 x mostly full gaunt squads
-1 x mostly full spinegaunt squad
-1 x half full gaunt squad
-1 x carnifex w 1 lost wound
-1 x hive tyrant
-3 x zoanthropes
-3 x frag spore mines

scott's lessons
-gaunts are amazing in CC with the new 5th rules (when I get 15-25 attacks on the charge, its not hard to kill 4 or 5 guys, if they kill less, they pretty much always run, and I usually win the initiative test to sweep em)
-zoanthropes are amazing for synapse coverage
-preferred enemy is amazing (for 1 pt on a stealer or 3 on the broodlord, you re-roll all misses to hit)
-having lots of "smaller" squads of gaunts is better than a few big ones

pat's lessons
-never, ever let fire warriors get in CC
-stealth suits are bad in CC, don't infiltrate em close to hordes that move faster than you
-pie-plating gaunts works, but even then there's a lot of em to kill

Mike's Painting Progress

I finally finished my 10 Immortals and 3 of my Destroyers, they finally have rods in them.

I think they look pretty good although I'm worried about how sturdy the rods are in the Immortals.