Monday, June 30, 2008

Mike and Justin's 1500 point game

We played 40k at Justin's place on the floor, which made my legs cramp. Please no cramps jokes. Justin had an army of Thousand Sons, a Defiler, and Typhus and two Havoc squads. My army was a destroyer lord and 3 Wraiths, two squads of Destroyers, 2 units of Warriors, a Monolith, and some Immortals.

The field was so littered with terrain (50-55%) that his Rhinos were pretty useless and my Monolith only killed a single marine, if that.

I won the roll off and chose first turn which turned out to be nightfighting. I moved my destroyers closer but stayed hidden from his huge grouping of ThSons since they had Ap3 guns. I moved my Monolith forward 6", teleported my Wraiths and Destroyer Lord through the portal, moved them a further 12" and assaulted a 5man Havoc Squad that was positioned a little too close killing 3 of them and a Wraith fell over. I also moved some Warriors and Immortals closer firing at the Defiler straight across from them destroying its battle cannon.

Justin sped his bikes forward rapid firing into the Immortals felling 1. His rhinos moved forward, one crashing into a building. His Defiler strode forward as well firing its lascannon to fell another Immortal. His Havoc squad and ThSons unit 2 couldn't see my guys. His ThSons unit 1 managed to join the combat with the Wraiths. After hitting with 11 out of 12 attacks the ThSons failed to even cause one wound on a 4+. He wounded the Lord with a 6+ and the lord's armour failed him. Two ThSons and one Havoc die. Pile in.

My second turn the one Immortal popped back up. I moved all my destroyers across from the ThSons unit 2 in the open. I warped the Wraiths through the Monolith, the wraith repairs, and moved them next to the ThSons unit 2. 5 died from combined shooting of all the destroyers and a unit of warriors. The Monolith fired its arc everywhere killing a single ThSons from unit 1. My Warriors and Immortals manage to kill off 2 bikers. My Wraiths and Lord charge the ThSons unit 2 killing one of them and a Wraith is felled.

Justin moves Typhus close to the combat. The Defiler fleets but remains too far to charge the warriors. His last biker moves up near the Immortals. He fires 2 lascannons, a missile launcher and heavy bolter from his remaining havoc squad at my destroyers, the lascannons hit but fail to wound on a 2+. His other heavy bolter remaining from his other Havoc squad fells one destroyer. Typhus charges in, and his daemon weapon attacks himself on a 1. His biker kills 4 Immortals permanently, the last one stands his ground. His ThSons unit 2 is left with 2 guys.

My turn 3. The wraith stands back up and I warp them out of combat again moving them close to the ThSons unit 1. The Monolith has advanced into the open field for his Havocs to see. I move the warriors close to his biker preparing a counter assault. The shooting ended up killing the last two ThSons of unit 2. My Wraiths attacked ThSons unit 1 killing 1 and taking no wounds back. My warriors finished off the biker.

Justin's turn 3. His Defiler moves closer to the warriors. Typhus moves near my Monolith. His Havocs fire and kill off another destroyer. This doesn't matter much as Typhus uses his Winds of Chaos psychic power to glance and immobilize it. In combat the Defiler kills some warriors before they run and get caught in a sweeping advance. The Immortal was also attacked and ran off the board. The wraiths killed a bunch of ThSons and caught them in a sweeping advance as they tried to run.

My turn 4. The Wraiths took off towards the full Havoc squad and the Lord separated to finish off the last guy of the other. The destroyers positioned themselves to fire at the threatening Defiler and to try and pick off one of the rhinos. His rhinos and Defiler survived though the Defiler with one less combat arm. The wraiths killed 2 of the Havocs and the Lord finished off the single havoc that had escaped before.

Justin's Turn 4. Typhus moves and kills 3 warriors, I forget to do WBB rolls for them. His defiler tries but can't reach the warriors on top of a 6" building, though I'm not sure if vehicles can go up floors. His Havoc squad loses another guy and ends up running and being caught in a sweeping advance.

My turn 5. The destroyers turboboost away. The Wraiths and Lord move to the immobile rhino, assaulting and exploding it. The warriors fire at the Defiler finally finishing off the Daemonic walker.

Justin's Turn 5. Typhus fires at the Monolith finally killing it.

My Turn 6. I turboboost everything I can towards the center which is the objective.

Justin's Turn 5. Typhus kills 3 destroyers.

Final Score: Michael: 1537
Justin: 788

Final Thoughts:

Justin needs to stop driving his bikes right in front of my guys and include a lot more regular guys to heavy weapons inside his havoc squads. Also his rhinos were probably not appropriate for a unit that wants to slowly advance and shoot, though if they got into rapidfire range I'd be messed up fast. I also think the defiler could have just spent his time back firing the battlecannon from far away rather than trying to get into combat. Also, he has some very terrible rolls as far as luck. He rolled so many ones it was ridiculous.

I love first turn assaulting with Wraiths and a Destroyer Lord. I cannot let a Defiler get into combat with me. It's like a Dreadnought on steroids. 5 attacks on the charge leave a unit of S4 guys very vulnerable. It was pointless shooting at the bikers since I can always wound them hand to hand anyways and they aren't as damaging. Despite not killing much the Monolith helped a lot tactically. I redeployed my Wraiths 3 times in that game.


scott_smu said...

isn't typhus the "champion" of nurgle? that's one of the things I dislike about the new chaos codex, although its really cool game wise, fluff wise, being able to take guys from all the different "factions" doesn't make much sense at all.

Pat said...

Sounds like a cake walk for mike again i wouldnt want to be justin even with the bad rolls.

Ott_Ian said...

Yeah, Mike is Scary to go up against, but not invincible. I'm saving up all my cheer for that day.

And Scott, apparently you share the same sentiment as upwards of 90% of 3rd Edition Chaos players (At least in Saint John. Although I wouldn't bank on that. This city is so backwards its not funny, even in its Wargamming. They disliked what happened to the Chaos Codex, and they don't even want 5th edition, as they feel its going to ruin the game)

scott_smu said...

I dunno, I wouldn't be that scared of mike anymore with some of the new rules from 5th, mostly the not-blowing-up-tanks one (damn scarabs)